Chapter 28.

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A/N: Hey! Before-the-chapter note here. Just to let you know, the climax is gonna be on Chapter 30. it'll end around Chapter 32. And sorry for the super-late chapter. School is taking some adjusting. And also I've had large amounts of writer's block. 

The demons were all restless. They were far away from their home, with only each other and also Chara knowing where they came from and why. Charlie was pretty decent at making friends, but the others (not counting Angel, who regularly went to cook with Muffet, for some reason) didn't really leave the confines of Mrs. Dree- Toriel's house.

Vaggie was getting restless, Alastor was getting fed up, Charlie was trying her best but they all could tell that this was wearing on her more than she cared to admit. Husk had been sober for the entire time they were on the surface, and was actively mad about it. Niffty found things to do to keep herself busy, and was honestly the only one who was sleeping well.

Al was getting closer to snapping each day. It was excruciating, being ripped from your home. Was this how refugees usually felt?

Chara had been spending more and more time at the library, doing research about the skeleton guy they were up against. She'd been reporting back as needed. 


Somewhere, far away, a nervous imp entered a throne room.

"Your majesty?" He managed to squeak out, despite the fear encompassing his mind. 

The man on the throne spoke. "Has there been any word from my daughter?"

"Er- no, your Grace. We checked her hotel, it was unoccupied. There were marks from a fight in the main room, as if someone had aimed a laser from inside the hotel. But how would that-"

"Thank you. You're dismissed."

"Er- yes, sir!" The imp scampered off. 

"Charlotte... where are you?"

A/N: Okay that was shorter than I would've liked. Imma try and make it longer next time, but there's been so much stuff going on recently. Also. @SweetBreqd76- how's that for surprisingly chill with it?????? Hah! Imma stop being petty now, thanks for reading.

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