Chapter 17.

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Chara got back to the hotel late. 

Of course she did. Because why would the universe dictate that she doesn't get in trouble for some reason?? She wasn't carrying her buttercup anymore, she'd put it in her hair the way Asriel would. It felt comforting. 

So anyways, the second she stepped into the door, there was a moth demon waiting for her. And Charlie. Charlie was there too.

"Hey" She said casually, meeting Vaggie's gaze. 

"Where were you? Why were you late?" She demanded, a little indignantly. In response, Chara pulled her flower out of her hair and held it towards her.

Charlie smiled. "You have a flower!!" Vaggie eyed it suspiciously. But that was standard practice. 

"Yep! It's a buttercup. I was in this really creatively named flower shop, lost track of time, and bought this." Chara informed casually. "The person working there was not happy for some reason. Now if you'll excuse me, I have stuff to do." 

She skirted around Vaggie before she could answer and headed to her room. 

After putting her buttercup in soil and watering it, she pulled out her phone and made a call. 


She didn't say hi or anything, just blurted out a question. "Do you remember who the Royal Scientist before Alphys was?" The skeleton on the other end snorted.

"hello to you too, kid."

"Shut up and answer the question, Sans." 

"well technica-" 

"Answer. The. Question." 

"no. i don't remember. maybe ask your dad? he woulda hired whoever you're talking about. or alphys. she's gotta know about her predecessor, right?" 

Chara nodded, and then remembered that Sans couldn't see her. "Yeah. Good idea. Thanks." 

"gotta go soon."

"'Kay. Tell Mom and Dad and everybody that I say hi and am doing okay."

"you got it, kid. bye."

"Bye." Click.

That was.. less than helpful. At least she got to bother a skeleton. Not a total loss! She'd call her dad and/or Alphys later. She should prooobably go apologize to Vaggie before she tries to murder her in her sleep. 

She glanced at the door and got up. Alright. Try not to be too ridiculously sarcastic, give a decent explanation. She marched out of her room, ready to apologize kind of. 

(A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long, and that I haven't really been updating much. I'll try to get another chapter out by the time Standardized Testing is over, but I can't make any promises. Thanks so much for reading!!

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