chapter 10

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you stalked her instagram for about 20 minutes before responding to her. she still follows jack, and he still follows her. the last picture of hers he liked was from a month ago. you fill up with jealousy and anger.


you delete the exclamation mark after hey, you don't wanna sound phony. you'd rather type, why are you texting me you skank. but you don't send that.

you click send. within seconds, you see her typing. you're a nervous wreck. why is she texting me? does she know about me and jack? how could she? we never publicly announced were we DATING. you think to yourself.

you're dating jack, right?

you're disgusted with her question. why would she ask that? jack must've told her about him and i, which means jack's texted her recently. you develop a sour taste in your mouth just thinking about it.

the answer to her question is yes, but technically, no, not at the moment. you decide on typing, yeah, why

you put your phone down. you just wish jack was ready to get back together, you're certainly ready to get back with him. in fact, you've never not been ready to get back with him.

a few minutes later, your phone vibrates. you're too scared to look at the notification. you bring yourself together and look at it.

it's a text from jack. it's like he's read your mind, as his message reads;

i miss you. well i miss you being my girlfriend.

you start smiling as you type back,

i miss being your girlfriend.

jack starts typing. you get another dm from chelsea.

oh okay cool! i just came across your page and saw you follow jack, so i put two and two together

you want to scream. you can't believe the audacity she has to text you, and you have no idea to respond to that, so you just like her message. you see she followed you, so you follow her back, even though you don't want to.

jack finally responds. your eyes light up and the anger and jealousy leave your body, and the sour taste in your mouth turns sweet.

okay good. so we're dating again.
actually we never broke up.
i don't blame you for what happened, i forgive you
i never wanna spend a month away from you again.

you're overwhelmed in the best way possible by jack's messages. your smile is so big you feel like your cheeks are gonna fall off.

you text jack back and say:

you're so cute

i know. jack texts back.

you roll your eyes and laugh.

also, since we absolutely suck this year, and we're not going to the playoffs, would you wanna come to michigan for the summer?
it's so fun i promise.

yes absolutely are you kidding. you respond.

jack facetimes you, you answer immediately.

"hi girlfriend." jack says.

"hi boyfriend." you say back.

"i just wanted to see your face, plus my thumbs hurt." jack says.

you laugh. "hey your ex girlfriend dmed me on instagram."

"she what?!" says jack.

"yep." you say. "she asked if i was dating you."

"that's weird. i promise on my entire life that im not seeing her, and i haven't seen her in a while. we broke up like 2 years ago." reassures jack.

"okay. i just thought it was weird." you tell jack.

jack nods. "are you free next weekend, we play the wild and i want you to come." asks jack.

"yeah i am." you say.

"perfect i'll buy you a ticket tomorrow." says a smiley jack.

"i can buy myself one, but thank you babe." you say.

"see you next week, i have to go to practice." jack says, walking to his car.

"okay see you later, have fun." you say.

"i'll try." jack says, as he blows a kiss through the screen and hangs up.

you text carly everything that happened. you tell her that jack's ex followed you and dmed you. she's in shock, and asks you to send her profile.

why does cole follow her?! carly texts back.

they're probably just friends because of jack. you type back.

carly sends a rolling eye emoji.

so are you and cole dating or what?

what do you mean says carly

carly it's obvious you two are dating. everyone assumes it anyway, even jack.

well he hasn't officially asked me to be his girlfriend, so i don't know.

well tell him to hurry up and ask you, you guys are cute together. you say.

you know me, i'm not super into dating and love and touching and all that stuff.

i know. but i think cole is. 😏 you send back.

oh stop. i'm going to bed goodnight love you. types carly.

you look over at your alarm clock and see that it's 1 am. you text her that you're going to bed too.

you drift off to sleep dreaming of being in michigan with jack this summer.

jack's just going to bed in his new jersey apartment too. he's drifting off to sleep dreaming about you being in michigan with him.

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