chapter 19

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after spending a few more hours with everyone at the lake, jack brings everyone back to his house. you and carly run up to jack's room, while the boys hangout on the couch and play video games.

you go in the shower and carly sits on the toilet.

it feels good to wash off the lake water from your hair. you start to shampoo while carly edits pictures that you took of her on the boat.

"i hate her."

"me too."

"i've never hated someone more than her. god! why did she have to be on the lake today?"

"i don't know. she probably did it in purpose, she's obsessed with jack."

"and i bet she splashed me on purpose with her jet ski too. god! why can't she leave jack alone? he's mine." you grunt, slamming the shampoo bottle down on the shower shelf.

you slam it a little too hard, and it falls to the floor, making a very loud bang.

jack hears it downstairs, and walks up to the bathroom door. he knocks on the door, startling both you and carly.

"everything okay in here?"

"yeah." says carly.

"i just dropped the shampoo bottle, i'm fine."

"okay, just checking. we're gonna go to dinner soon, okay?"

"yeah, i'll be ready soon."

you turn the faucet off and wrap a towel around your body. you step out of the shower and into jack's room  and carly goes in the shower.

you put on jeans and a sage lacy top. you go back into the bathroom to blow dry your hair and put on some makeup.

"so what are you and cole gonna do when you go back to school? i mean, you'll literally be a country away from each other."

"um i don't know, i think we'll be fine. i'm not too worried about it."

"your relationship is perfect."

"no it's not, cole and i have our issues."

"well at least cole doesn't have a crazy ex girlfriend that's trying to get with him!"

"woah. i don't think chelsea wants to get back with jack, it'd be very hard for her to."

"what's that mean? are you saying she's got a chance?"

"no, no. what? zoe? did you hear what i said?"

you don't respond.

"hello? zoe. you shouldn't worry, jack loves you, and he obviously is sick of chelsea, you saw his face when she was talking to him today. didn't you?"

"yeah, i did. okay, i'm sorry i'm just overthinking."

"you're fine. just try to forget about her."

you do try to forget about chelsea, but it's hard when you keep 'running' into her.

first at the lake, and now at dinner. you walk into the restaurant and there she is, giggling with her friends. your face drops, and quinn sees it.

quinn goes up to the host stand first, telling the girl how many is in the party.

"inside or outside?"

"um, outside." quinn glances back at you.

you smile. by sitting outside, you're the farthest away from chelsea's table.

dinner goes great, there's no mention of chelsea, everyone's laughing, and jack's being extra touchy.

"hey, i just got invited to party tonight. we should go." says alex.

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