chapter 32

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you wake up in jack's bed and roll over towards jack, but he's not there. you see a handwritten note on his pillow.

i'm at physical therapy. i'll be back for lunch<3

you smile at his note and grab your phone. after about an hour of scrolling through tik tok, you get up and go in the shower.

you hear the door open as you're putting on your eyeliner. jack hugs you sideways, as best as he can with his sling.

"hey babe." he says.


"where do you wanna get lunch?"

"well. before lunch, i need to talk to you about something."

"oh no. what's wrong?"

"nothing's wrong, you see-"

"tell me already!"

"okay. so, you know how my contract is up at the end of this season?"

"yes..." you say, growing impatient because jack won't spit out whatever he has to say.

"um, a few other teams have already offered me contracts. i'm supposed to meet with my agent next week to really discuss all my options, but i just wanted to let you know."

"woah. that was a lot at once."

"i know."

"haven't the devils given you a new contract?"

"they've discussed it with me, but they're still making it. especially since they know i might be getting better offers somewhere else."

"ah, okay. how do you feel about it?"

"i don't know." jack exhales. "i love the devils; the players, coaches, the fans, all of it. but i honestly don't see a cup in sight anytime soon. so if a better team gives me a better contract, i might consider it."

"hm. okay."

"how do you feel about it?" jack asks quietly, not looking up from the ground, almost like he's afraid to hear your answer.

"honestly, i have mixed feelings. but, it's your career, i want what's best for you and makes you happy. so i guess whatever choice you make i'll support you."

jack breathes a sigh of relief. "oh, thanks zoe. i was so nervous to tell you."



"unless you go to the islanders. i will not support that."

jack starts to laugh. "what's wrong with the islanders?"

"oh, don't get me started. it's carly's favorite team."

"ohhh, i see. wanna go get chipotle?"


you basically run out to the car. as jack drives to lunch, you can't help but wonder what jack will do; will he stay with the devils or move to a new team? and if he moves, how will that affect your relationship? 

you push those thoughts away and snap back into reality. jack notices you're a little off, so he puts on your favorite artist, taylor swift.

"sorry if that was a lot. i just wanted to tell you."

"it's okay. just a lot to think about."

"i know. but no matter what, nothing will change between us, okay? so if that's what you're worried about, don't be."

"okay. i won't."

jack leans over to kiss you, but has to slam on the breaks because he almost went through the red light. 


"sorry. you distracted me."

you both smile at each other and laugh. jack leans in to kiss you again. the light turns green, but jack is still kissing you. eventually someone beeps at him,
and jack speeds up.

"you need to pay attention to the road."

"fine." jack throws his hands up, making you laugh.

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