IV : Saviour

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Why am I here? I'm still questioning myself about the situations I'm in. Now, "Dog-Bird" is in an inn near the palace gate. I know this because he told Mak-Mun to meet here. Both in the series I watched and the "reality" I'm in.

"I'm sorry that you're dragged into this, my friend" I can't still get enough that I'm so close to him right now.

"It's fine, those guys were in the wrong" I tap my foot which got sprained.

"Is your foot fine now?" I nod. It's more than enough help that he bandage it.

"You can sit down, I'll wait for my other friend here" I shake my head.

"No worries, I'd like to meet your other friend so I can properly leave" he sighs but smiles after.

"I apologize again, I never meant for you to be involved with this" I just smile lightly.

"I said again, it's fine, you saved me from my falling twice now" he smiles brightly and I smile back.

"I'm sure gonna repay you someday," he said and I just nod. Around a couple of minutes, we saw a panting Mak-Mun.

"I'm....finally...here" he kneels on the ground and he grabs his arms.

"I guess he's here" we left out a chuckle as he tries to stand up Mak-Mun.

"You need to get a grip, come on" Mak-Mun whining like a little kid. It's like a big brother dragging his younger sibling.

"We better get going and my apologies again" Mak-Mun loves being dragged and I nod. I wave my hand goodbye and let out a big sigh as they enter the inn.

I tried to walk but my sprain is still there. So, I walked slowly and try to find my way back to the gambling house. I'm still wearing the scarf he gave me. I just smile and continue to walk.

I walk for an hour and getting nowhere. I'm lost and tired until I've seen a woman walking drunkenly. Wait, It's Ah Ro. This is the part where he drank a lot of alcohol because she was not paid. I try to run to her and saw that she's about to fall. I run as fast I can which made me fall also but she falls on me. Wait, this is wrong. I'm not the one who saved her. It should be Moo-Myung.

"F/N? Why are you here?" she drunkenly said as she tries to get up.

"I saw you about to fall so here I am" that's a dumb answer F/N.

"Thanks?" she laughs after. I try to remove myself slowly so I can help her.

"Where's my shoe?" she wobbles looking for her shoe and I pull her up but she's kinda hard to move with a sprained ankle.

"Find me my shoe please F/N, You'll get free treatment from my father" I can't help but sigh at her. I put my hand on her waist and put his arm on my shoulder to help her not fall again. I look at her shoes on the ground where people are passing by until I saw the lost pair and I sit her down on a crate box and try to get the shoe and another hand also grab it. I look at the person who our hands met and it's him again.

"Hey, it seems we always bump to each other" he smiles. I just chuckle and cursed mentally. You're supposed the one who saves her not me.

"F/N, My shoe and my empty stomach" I hear her whine as she tries to balance herself.

"It seems your lover needs you and F/N is a nice name" I can sense a slight disappointment in his tone. I don't know, maybe I'm just reading into things. 

"She's not my lover, she's a friend of my cousin. I happen to see her drunk" he just sighs and chuckles. I chuckle back but he sees something from afar.

"F/N, it's those guys again from the gamble house. Bring your friend to her house and still cover your face with the scarf" I look back and it's true, those are the goons. I nod and pat my shoulder.

"I better get going and be careful always" he tips his hat to bid goodbye and immediately runs away from us. I head to Ah Ro and put on her shoe. Luckily, my cousin was near and immediately saw and help Ah Ro and me to go in the right direction.

An hour or so of walking, scolding, working half day because of those goons while having a sprained ankle. It's a good thing Uncle Jongki is fine with it and yes, he insists to call him that. He is also a nervous wreck when the mini commotion happened and didn't found me for a couple of hours. My feet were treated also after a hot bath with herbs.

Right now, I'm in my bed which is the same as I live with my parents. Oh yeah, my parents and my life I left when I came here. I miss them even though it was hard. I don't regret any of it.

"If I am here so the "me" in the actual world is dead and if the story will end here, how can I continue living and surviving if I know things are gonna happen"

"What in heaven's mouth are you talking about in this late night?" I was startled to seeing Ga-young wearing some sort of crushed-up leaf mask.

"What the hell are you wearing in your face?"

"The market vendor told me that it's good for the skin and it's natural"

"You look like you put green mold on your face" she throws a splash of water at me.

"You're gross and what the hell are you babbling about? Ever since you slept in that storage room and pretended to lose your memory, you've been acting differently. Did you smoke herbs?" I laugh so hard at her statement and I got a bigger splash of water after.

"Answer me" oh, she's serious.

"NO! I don't smoke herbs and I'm clean and innocent"

"Plus a virgin" she added and I was annoyed while she laughs massaging her face.

"Ga Young!" I heard auntie calling her.

"The boss called and we're not done, cousin" I roll my eyes as slide the door close.

I lay watching to the ceiling. Did my presence here change the course of future events or be a catalyst to much more horrendous situations?

Will I become a saviour?

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