VIII : Witness

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I can't seem to fall asleep and I don't know why. I can't shake the feeling in my guts. I think I need to freshen up a bit. I head out of my quarter and stretch while breathing in a fresh night air. I notice sounds, specifically, galloping from horses and light from torches. I slowly walked to the entrance, not to be noticed and I saw Hyun-chu and his men.

"Oh no", it hit me, the incident that will change the course of the story. The death of Mak-mun. I bit my nails in nervousness. I want to do something but if I interfere the whole story will change and I don't what consequences could it bring.

"What do I do?" I look at the night sky as panic seeps in my mind. This is how Moo-myung will have his goal from this incident.

"Why do I feel guilty? I want to do something" I look outside and sigh.

"Fuck it" as I run towards outside and luckily the forest where it happens is near to our place. I run while gasping for air, aiming if I can save them but as I arrived. I was too late, the sword was already wounded Mak-mun as he spilt blood. I can't help to cry as I WITNESS on what happened but as I walk back, I made a noise and Hyun Chu and his men looked at my direction and saw me.

He points his to his men as they ride their horses. I ran as fast as possible. I have become part of the incident. I head to the town where it's most quite, I found a hay where I can hide. I hid and covered myself in it.I heard walking footsteps and a small dim of light.

"That witness cannot be far along, we need him to be executed as per queen's order to remove all the pests under the new king's regime" one of his men said, I pray to he doesn't step more for I will be busted.

"I cannot find him here, let us go back to the forest, for sure he is a member of those two" as the dim fading and gallops seems to gone also. I rose and look at the road. It seems they really are gone. I sighed and laid back. I can't believe I involved myself. I don't know what will happen and what consequences it will cause. I head back to my place while looking out of my surroundings but someone smack me and it startled me.

"Where were you? And why are you covered in hay?" It's my cousin, which was a great relief. I can't simply tell him about what happened.

"I went out and tripped on hay" she looks at me with one eye brow raised.

"Really? With your sticky sweats and messy hair, you know the nearest hay stock is on the other side of the town, Did you go to a brothel?" I gasped.

"Hell no, I simply trip and ran here to myself" she still shows skepticism but yawned.

" Fine, I am too sleepy to mind this, but you need to explain it to me in the morning" I nodded as she head back.

I head to the bath and clean myself. I can't seem to remove that scene, seeing it. It's really different if you're watching it. I change clothes and go to my sleeping quarter. As my eyes started to be drowsy, maybe because of the tiredness from running as I slipped to slumber.

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