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Aditya and Abeer had placed themselves in the inner room of the study. The natural sunlight reflected through the mirrors strategically placed across the room.

"I hope I haven't disturbed your schedule calling you here early in the morning." Abeer said giving Aditya a polite smile.

"No. Don't worry everything is moving as per today's schedule and I'd trade a couple of hours from my training to enjoy some good breakfast and company." Aditya replied making Abeer laugh.

"Well I'm flattered then."

"Should we discuss the contract over breakfast or would you prefer it after ?" Aditya asked the Mughal king.

"We can multi task." Abeer said with a grin and Aditya nodded.

The two sat down on the small dinner table places in the gigantic balcony overlooking the courtyard. There was a spread of dishes and fruit to pick from.

"This will be enough to feed ten more kings." Aditya said with a chuckle taking some freshly sliced nectarines on his plate.

"Do you think we should ask others to join us then." Abeer said playfully making Aditya chuckle.

Abeer had never imagined sitting on dinner table with the most powerful king in Hindustan sharing a laugh over breakfast. All the tales he had heard of the king of Awadh were tales for a reason, he wasn't the brute, the sly and stubborn king like they had made him believe.

If Abeer may be so bold he would believe that a genuine friendship was developing between the two.

"... are you sure Aditya ? The land has always been a point of tension between our kingdoms, just handing it over to us without a collateral, as generous as it seems it makes me suspicious of your ulterior motives." Abeer joked.

"Well honestly my people would laugh at me when they know, my Prime Minister thinks I'm mad doing so but honestly I have no use of that land, at least not more than you do. You can relocate the village you told me about, the one which floods every year due to rains."

"Thank you." Abeer said from the depth of his heart. "Thank you so much Aditya you genuinely are a good human being."

"That's all the validation I need." Aditya said making the two kings break out into laughter again.

"I like you, honestly I do. I see not just an ally but a friend in you too, and my ancestors may be swearing at me right now for calling a Suryavanshi my friend but I can't help it."

"Well then now that you have called me a friend I expect you to come visit me in Awadh sometime soon." Aditya said taking a sip of his tea.

"I will." Abeer promised. "When do you plan to ride for home ?"

"Trying to get rid of me already I see ?"

"No I didn't -."

"Joking." Aditya said with a chuckle. "Soon after the wedding. Eight days more to take advantage of the Mughal khatir."

"And we'll make sure to be the best host for the next eight days then."

"I'm sure you-."

The sound of door open and panicked sweet feminine voice call Abeer's name alerted the two kings.

"Out here Maa." Abeer called and the next second Meera came rushing to the balcony.

"What's wrong ?" Abeer asked looking alert. "You look panicked and flustered."

"Noor." Meera said. "Your phupho fell and twisted her ankle, she isn't able to get up. Your baba is helping her but I'm sure he'll do more damage than help and Noor won't let anyone else touch her, please if you aren't too busy could you come with me."

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