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Aditya and Maheen had left for Ayodhya in the wee hours of the morning.

Maheen's leg was still not better but she could move it around without crying out in pain.

Maheen had forced Aditya to leave back for Ayodhya as soon as the carriage had arrived as she was tired of the last 24 hours she was forced to stay in bed.

"Maheen are you doing okay ?" Aditya asked as he paralleled his horse with Maheen's carriage.

Maheen opened the small window of the carriage and looked outside at him.

"How far are we ? I don't want to sit in this box anymore." Maheen said whining .

"We have reached the palace gates." Aditya informed her giving her a reassuring smile.

"Ask them to take us to the temple, we can still make it for the end of the pooja ." Maheen suggested and Aditya nodded.

Maheen kept the windows of her wooden box open as she them enter the gates of their home, they moved from the outer periphery of the palace towards the temple.

Aditya had hopped off his horse and waited as Maheen's carriage came to a halt, he helped Maheen out as the wooden stool was placed for her.

"It feels good to be back."

"And until this morning I thought you didn't want to leave the old Haveli." Aditya said looking at her questioningly.

"I didn't." Maheen said giving him a wide smile as Aditya helped her walk towards the temple. "But now you have to play the king and not just my husband so it gives me time to do everything naughty you wouldn't approve of."

"Haven't you become one sly fox." He said as they stepped into the temple.

"Learning from the best." Maheen whispered and winked at him making Aditya chuckle softly. They stood at the very back behind all the people who had come for the morning prayer.

Maheen joined her hands and closed her eyes and took part in the prayer. Aditya looked at her and smiled. He stood next to her did the same.

"Aditya..Aditya." Maheen whispered calling out his name.

"Yes Maheen." He said with his eyes closed.

"Look at me." She said tugging the sleeve of his kurta.


"Open your eyes now, look at me." She said pulling his sleeve harder."

Aditya opened his eyes and looked at her, raising his eyebrows.

"Do you see what I'm wearing ?" She said looking down at her own outfit.

Aditya looked at her from top to bottom, he hasn't noticed it up till now that she had worn a saree which wasn't one of her own he was sure of. Maheen was never seen wearing lighter colours.

"This is Rani Maa's saree, I took it from the old Haveli since I didn't have any fresh clothes for today. It fit me so well look." She said softly in a whisper. "Do you think she'll be mad that I borrowed her saree without asking her."

"No she won't mind. I doubt she even knows she has clothes kept in the old Haveli."

"So can I keep the other sarees, Dai Maa said they were mine to keep but I'm -."

"Maheen, you can keep whatever you want. You don't have to ask me or anyone about anything."

"Really ?" She said her eyes shining brightly.

"Really." He smiled at her.

"Bhaisa.. when did you come." The voice interrupted, making the two look ahead.

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