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Entering the house, the first thing I did was going to the bathroom and filling the bathtub for a long hot bath

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Entering the house, the first thing I did was going to the bathroom and filling the bathtub for a long hot bath. I was tired after the long eventful day at school and wanted nothing other than peace and quiet.

Stripping down, I submerged myself in the warm water which felt quite blissful as I could feel my body muscles relaxing and my mind clearing. As the tiredness started washing off me, I began to recollect all the important things that happened today.

First, I got a glimpse of all the brothers and almost got caught by one of them. Second, I nearly exposed my identity in front of my teacher on the very first day but luckily I got away with it and lastly, I made a 'friend'.

I am not sure whether I should call her a friend or not, I don't know what she thinks about me but for me, she is nothing more than someone who I can use to gather information and then throw her away as a bait if I ever ended up in an unlikely situation with one of the characters. Don't get me wrong, I think she is a nice person atleast that's what her actions said but what are the chances that she won't betray me if I do end up putting my trust in her.

I don't even know who killed me in my previous life, what if it was someone whom I trusted ? I wonder what's worse, being killed by a stranger for no apparent reason? or being killed by someone I had faith in? Probably the latter.

Scratching my head out of frustration, I decided to just close my eyes and turn off my brain from all these restless thoughts. Stupid anime, Stupid game, Stupid school, Stupid vampires, Stu--- That's when realisation hit me like a damn truck.

I quickly got up from the bathtub, perplexion and disbelief were clearly painted on my face. 'No way, 'No way, No way' chanting over and over again in my head, while I briskly wore some pajamas which I found in one of the cupboards and then started clearing the bathroom.

I was not able to focus properly and also tripped quite a few times while doing so, my eyes kept on wavering from time to time and only one thought kept running in my mind.

'Where the heck was Yui ?'

Making myself comfortable on the bed, I started bringing up all the possibilities on where Yui was and why I didn't see her. One possibility is that she was already in the car when I saw the brothers at the gate, but then again would the brothers leave her alone in the car while all of them are standing outside ? I doubt that, they would atleast leave one of them with her.

Another possibility that comes to my mind is the scene which took place in the first episode where Ayato bit Yui and then took her home on Reiji's orders, which might explain why I didn't see her but thinking logically this is not possible because Ayato was still in school and I don't think Ayato would drop Yui at home and come back just to attend detention ? that's not like him at all.

Apart from this, I don't remember any other scenes where one of the brothers brought her home, so her being home is not viable. Ruling out the first two possibilities, I was left with only one which could work both in my favour and disfavour.

The last and final possibility is that I am already in season 2 and Yui is being trapped at Mukami's house but this one is unlikely to happen due to various doubts in it. Firstly I didn't see any Mukami brothers in the school today, it is plausible that I might have just missed them but one of the brothers is Kou, who is an idol and also has a large fanbase, so he is bound to attract attention and there is no way that I might have just missed a huge mob.

Secondly, the brothers were behaving normal, not that I want them to act chaotic and go in rampage which they probably do on daily basis but the normal which you won't expect them to behave if this really was season 2. From what I remember is that in this season, all the brothers were super cranky, acting as if they are on their man period.

They were acting like this for two reasons, one was because Yui had disappeared suddenly and two because of the presence of the Mukami brothers who were half bloods which they dislike and they were also the reason behind Yui's disappearance. But seeing these Sakamaki brothers acting calmly, this is highly unlikely to happen.

But despite all these plausible arguments, if this is really season 2 then it is both a good thing and a bad thing. It is a good thing because my survival chances would be much higher as most of the brothers, both Sakamaki and Mukami were already attached to Yui at this point, so even if I do end up encountering them by accident it wouldn't matter much.

The bad thing about this whole scenario is that I don't know what happens next as their was no season 3 and even in the games, the story took a different turn depending on whose route Yui was, so they are not much of help either. But these concerns only matter, if I am actually in season 2 timeline which I highly doubt.

There is only one person who can help me to clear all these suspicions and that person is none other than my newly found 'friend' Sayuri. She could easily answer my questions on whether she has seen Yui and Mukami brothers in the school or not. But if Sayuri does not end up meeting my expectations then I would have no choice but to dispose her off and find someone else, after all that's only reason I befriended her.

The moment I realised that I was in Diabolik lovers, I knew that I had only two choices, either play alone and die by something inhuman or use as many people as you can to make it till the end. I know it sounds cruel but this is the only thing I can do against creatures who are much faster, stronger and cunning than ordinary humans. That's why if Sayuri is not useful to me in any way then I have no need of this so called friendship.

Taking a deep breath, I decided to clear my mind of all these things and sign myself off to the bed. Even after coming up with all these possibilities, a specific thought still lingered in the back of my mind no matter how hard I tried to forget it. The worst likelihood among all of them.

'What if there is no Yui in this world ?' 

'What if there is no Yui in this world ?' 

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