【18 】

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Heaving a sign, I collapsed on the bed as the events that took place today washed over me

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Heaving a sign, I collapsed on the bed as the events that took place today washed over me.

'That old lady what did she meant by that? Red eyes? Follow you around? The only thing I can relate with red eyes are vampires. So does that mean one of them is following me around..? '

Ughs I wanted to ask more but before I could even open my mouth, the old lady was already bombarded by other customers asking their fortune and waiting did not seem as an option as the people just kept coming. Maybe I can go there again tomorrow, its a free day anyway. Yes, let's do that.

What an odd day today was. I went to find information hoping that it might clear some mysteries about this body but instead I ended up with a weird warning which gave rise to new doubts.

Dismayed by the outcome, I grabbed my phone in order to distract myself. A kid from my class had added me to the class group which seemed to be bursting with nonsense talk that I had no interest in, but apart from that nothing new was there. Well, it was a new phone after all so expecting anything would be a stupid mistake to make.

Scrolling through the phone ideally, I was caught by surprised when I came across what seemed to be like a secret folder. The folder was locked and needed a password to open. Seeing this as an opportunity, I immediately got to work, typing everything I could come up with.

Groaning, I tossed the phone aside, I tried every little thing I knew, from Irina and my own name to all the characters name, I even typed the name of the anime, the school and post office I visited but none of them seemed to be the answer.

Frustrated, I was about to switch off the phone and just go to sleep, when something else popped into my brain. Turning the phone on, I carefully typed the words in the password space.

Tenth September

The day I died and came into this world, taking over the body of Irina in the process. I don't know if this could really be a password but its still worth a try.


It opened. The folder opened. I can't believe it that the password was my death date, I feel repulsive.

Shaking off the thoughts, I started going through the folder but the more I searched the more confused I became, the folder was completely empty except for some numbers written on it.

80 41XX XX56

Counting the digits, there were ten of them so does that mean this is somebody's phone number?

Let's give it a try, dialling the number I double checked it twice before pressing the call. I was hesitant at first not knowing what would happen if someone actually picked up but being scared would get me no answers so if I want to clear my doubts I have to take risks.

I was expecting to hear the ringing but instead was met with the robotic voice saying how the phone is outside network coverage area, and I should try later.

Hanging the call, I laid down on my bed. I was relieved at the same time disappointed that no one picked up but atleast I am sure that the number actually belongs to someone. Instead of waiting for the person to call back I decided to text that person.

80 41XX XX56


Now I have to wait for a reply back.

Walking down the street, I kept a close eye on my surroundings, paranoid by the words of that old woman

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Walking down the street, I kept a close eye on my surroundings, paranoid by the words of that old woman. That being said, I was on my way to meet the same woman, wanting to know more about her said warning.

Ever since I woke up, I have been feeling very ecstatic. After so much trouble, I was finally able to find a lead. Although most of the things are still obscure, having a small clue means a lot.

It is like a ray of hope to me. A hope to survive. A hope to live on in this cruel world.

Making a last right turn, I finally arrived at my destination. Feeling anxious and excited at the same time, I made my way towards the end of the street, where I had first met her.

But as soon as I stepped inside the pathway, those emotions vanished in an instance being replaced by dread and displeasure.

There was nothing. No tent, no boards, no old lady, no people swarming around her, not a single soul. It was completely empty. The place once packed with people, now looked abandoned.

'Did I come at the wrong time? Do I have to wait till she opens? Maybe she doesnt work on Sundays.'

Multiple thoughts swirled in my mind, trying to convince myself that just my timing was wrong and nothing more. But no matter how hard I tried I couldn't shake off the feeling that I might not get to see that old woman ever again.

Taking a deep breath, I left that place and went to the main road, trying to clear my mind in the process.

Looking around, I spotted a library at the corner. Quiet and lonely, a perfect place for thinking without being disturbed by anyone.

Entering the library, I quickly made my way towards the seating areas. There was hardly anyone there.

A group of elderly people talking with each other and few other young ones who were in their own world, not wanting to be bothered while reading. It was expected after all not many people want to waste their Sundays sitting in the library.

As I was finding en empty space, my eyes caught a sight of something, rather a someone.

Moving a little closer, I tried to confirm my suspicions, wanting to know if I hadn't been mistaken.

Well, lo and behold I was correct.

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