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Shoulder length brown hair and purple eyes, glancing down at the book in curiosity

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Shoulder length brown hair and purple eyes, glancing down at the book in curiosity. Just few feet away from me sat Sayuri, intently reading a book. I was contemplating whether I should greet her or just be on my way.

But before I could reach a conclusion, Sayuri had already looked into my direction, azure met purple. We stared at each other in silence for a while until a look of joy broke on Sayuri's face.

"Irina-chan!! How are you doing?" Sayuri asked excitedly as she came up to me.

"Hey Sayuri, fancy seeing you here. I am doing fine. What are you doing here?"

"I came here to get some reference books. What about you? Why are you here?"

"Oh well, I just wanted some peace and quiet." Making my way towards the table, I sat down on one of the chairs. My legs had started paining from all the standing and walking.

Sayuri sat opposite to me, quietly going through her book. Looks like she took my words to heart.

Basking in the silence for a while, I tapped on the book to get her attention.

"So are you a regular customer here?"

"Yes, I frequently visit this place. So frequent that I know every nook and crook of this place."

"Oh, then do you know whether there are any mythical books here?"

"Mythical? You mean god and goddesses?"

"No, by mythical I mean werewolves, mermaids, fairies and vampires."

Since I have come all the way here, why not do something productive rather than longing around.

"I don't think there are any mythical books about them. The only ones you will find would be in kids sections, which I doubt you want to see."

Slumping down on the table, I released a big sigh. Why is today such a bad day, first that old lady now the book. Maybe my luck is rotten and only thing left for me is to die by a vampire's hand. Sensing my dismay, Sayuri shook me to grab my attention.

"Since I have never read those books, I am not completely sure whether they have the information you are looking for, but there is a book about mythological creatures in the lore section. Maybe you should check that out."

Jerking the chair backwards, I quickly stood up and grabbed Sayuri's hand.

"Lets go! Show me the way"

Chuckling at my antics, Sayuri put down the book and stood up from her seat. This time her grabbing my hand and leading the way.

After walking for some time, we finally reached the lore section

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After walking for some time, we finally reached the lore section. The section was in the deep corner hidden away from sunlight. The only light reflected in that corner was from the tubelight above it, so weak that it could go out any minute.

Let alone night, I wouldn't want to be alone here even in daylight. So quiet and dark, as if telling you to stay away from there.

Looking at all the dust piled up, I don't think anyone visits this corner. Coughing, I started searching for the book. I took the right side while Sayuri took the left.

Seeing so many words written in different fonts, it was a little overwhelming to find the said book

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Seeing so many words written in different fonts, it was a little overwhelming to find the said book. After hunting around a little more, I finally found the book in the top left corner.

мутнι¢αℓ ¢яєαтυяєѕ

I thought my only problem would be finding the book but that was not the case. Reaching the book was another and much greater problem. Even after standing on my tiptoes and jumping, I still couldn't reach the book. Even the dust on the book remained unmoving as if taunting me for being short.

Damn if I was going to reincarnate in another body, it should have been a taller one maybe a basketball player, instead of this short one, so inconvenient.

"Umm Irina-chan, can I help you?" Sayuri asked after watching me struggle to reach the book for the fiftieth time.

"Sayuri, you are even shorter than me. I don't think you can possibly help me. Don't worry I got it, just a little more higher."

And as if true to my words I managed to grab the book just enough to be on the edge of the shelf. One last jump and the book would be in my hands.

I calculated wrong, I did reach the book but instead of my hands it fell on the ground. Well, as long as I get the book nothing matters.

Bending down, I was about to pick up the book, but before I could someone else got to it.

"Mythical creatures...."

Honeyed voice with a hint of sternness in it, the moment I looked up and stared right into those pale magenta eyes I knew I had fucked up, real bad.

Well kept dark purple hair which fades lighter towards the end, along with a pair of beautiful eyes that look like droplets of a crystal adorned with glasses.

With a strict demeanour and a serious but calm look on his face, every movement made by him is perfect and elegant, so flawless that you might confuse him for royalty which is not really far from the truth.

But one must not mistaken his gracefulness for gentlemanliness for he is anything but gentle.

With features that of a bewitching refined man but personality of a devil, the one I made eye contact with, the 𝕤𝕚𝕟 𝕠𝕗 𝕖𝕟𝕧𝕪, 𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐣𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢.

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