Chapter 1

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It's was cold. You sat alone in a metal cage. You could hear men laughing. Occasionally, someone banged on your cage, causing you to cry out of fear.

"What do you want from me?" You sobbed.

A drunken voice answered you.

"Touch yourself whore." What?! I cant do that?

You were already sitting their half naked, only a bra and your underwear was left on you. You didn't feel like stripping anymore.

Someone threw something at your cage, electrifying it.

You gasped and screamed out of pain.

Then it stopped.

"Do it bitch." More men howled in agreement.

You sobbed, slowly moving your fingers down to your underwear.

Slowly, you moved your legs apart to reach yourself.

You hesitated, then placed your fingers on your clit. You closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and began to work your fingers there. You felt men's eyes stare right at you.

I want to die. Please archons kill me.

Before anything else could happen, a loud bang was heard. The men yelled but you were to terrified to make out anything they were saying.

You removed your hands and started yelling.

"HELP!" You shouted.

"IM OVER HERE!" You cried out.

The men stopped yelling. Footsteps headed towards you.

"Are you alright?" A ginger man appeared in front of you.

"Please get me out of here!" You sobbed.

"It's alright, I'll get you out of here." The ginger haired man found the lock and smashed it off.

The man grabbed your arm, lifting you out.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" You sobbed and babbled, hugging him.

"You're safe now, I'm Childe." He placed a hand on your head to reassure you.

"I'm Y/N," you said.

"Are you from Snezhnaya?" Childe asked. You looked at him and nodded.

"How did you know?" Childe reached into his pocket and grabbed a cryo vision. He handed it to you.

"Where did you find this?!" You gasped, holding it close to your chest.

"One of the treasure hoarders had it. I'll carry you and take you back to Liyue harbour." Childe said.

You grabbed onto his back, allowing him to lift you up.

"Thank you so much I don't know how I can repay you." You smiled as he carried.

"Don't worry about it, we'll think about something later."

You nodded.


The walk back to Liyue was short, but it allowed you to get some rest.

"A boat comes to the harbour in 3 days, it will take us both back to Snezhnaya." Childe said, heading inside of the Northland Bank.

"Are you from Snezhnaya as well? Wait don't answer that you look familiar.." you thought for a moment.

"Are you apart of the fatui?" You gasped.

Childe nodded, heading into a room and placing you down on a mattress. Childe watched you tense up.

"I won't hurt you." He said, sitting next to you.

You sighed out of relief, you looked at Childe, your head resting gently on a pillow.

"Rest for a bit, we'll be eating soon." Childe said, getting up.

You grabbed his arm. He glanced back at you raising an eyebrow.

"Please don't leave me alone, I'm scared." Your voice shook.

Childe sighed, laying down beside you and hugging you to his chest.

You felt safe in his arms, warm as well.

"Thank you Childe." You mumbled, slowly falling asleep.

Snow, ice, and everything not nice / scaramouche x reader x ChildeWhere stories live. Discover now