No Home Bro

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Everything was okay. Right? Of corse it was. I didn't die no one try to kill me. It was okay day. I, even found some food to eat. Amazing.

Now I was lying in my carton bed and tried to ignore sound of cars. It was kinda hard with that high sensory sensitive like me. It was always a problem, but when I was living with May...

Shit, not again. I tried hold back tears, I didn't want to cry here. Somone could hear me and it could end bad.

I wanted remember aunt May but when ever I was thinking of her everything immeditialy started to be dark and I was just overhelmed by, sadness and pain. She was my only, family, the only one who left with me. And now she was gone too. I couldn't save her even with my spider sense. It is useless. It didn't help me when I needed to, but now this shit won't let me go to sleep.

I closed my, eyes and gritred my teeth.

Don't cry, don't cry just, don't...

I cried.

A little sob escaped my mouth and I feeled warm tears streaming down my cheeks. I curled on, cold carton and I, hugged myself. Maybe that way I won't fall apart. Would be great, though, but I, didn't think it would actually work.

All, my, belongies was under my, head. Well it wasn't much. One photo of me and... and May, one teeth brush, my stupid Spider-Man costium and some underwear. That's all I, could have. All, that, was mine, and only, mine. No one could take it away from me.

Oh, I, was so, so wrong. I understimated homeless, and hopeless man without any, moral, codex.

When I, finally, fall, asleep it was almost sunset, and I, cried all, night. Not good for me. I, will, be Dizzy, and easy, to over power. Not good. Definitely not good.

What wake me up wasn't the best, what, could happen in the morning.

"Hey little one" some gross voice say and I flinched. I knew this kind of voice and tone. It Couldn't end Well.

In, less than, half a minute I, was fully, wake up and ready, to confrontation. Or at, last I, hoped so.

"Hi, Big Man. Whacha'doing? (is that, real? Did I, use it right? Idk probably I, didn't) "

"Nothing, special just wanted say hello" man smirked decilishly and I, realized my Mistake,but it was too late. I feel something hit me on the back and I unconsciously whimpered. That, was strong hit.

I fell onto my, knees and imediately feel someones fist on my, nose. Blood started leak and I automatically raise hand to wioe it off, but then somone punch my other hand and I, lose my balance and hit my head on the ground. I groamd and try to keep my thoughts together. Think, think, think.

Pain, oh my god why, what, pain, things, my things, pain, oh my god, they can't, they do, pain, sadness, pain, this hurt

In the corner of my, eye I saw they grab my, things and run, away.

Perfect - I, thought and then everything, become blur and later black.


Okay Hi how are you?

I found something similiar to this like Month ago and I have deja vu but I don't remember who write it or what was that. But it was on wattpad and about Peter Parker and it was un-finished. So if u know a similiar story tell me because I'm curious and I can't remember it.

I will, try to finiah it and make it as good as possible.

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