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Something was odd. And this something was color.

I, was in, room when everything was white. White floor, white walls, white ceiling, white bed, white door etc.

Did I, just, died and I'm in, heaven or something? I'm not even sure if I, belive in, heaven? What, if I am in, something I, don't belive in? What, if-?

Okay, stop Peter. That's enough. Breath, breath.





I move my, body so I, could get up, but my, body, refused and the second thing, I, feeled was stron pain... Everywhere. My, head, my, atomach, my back, my, first, everything was in, pain.

So, not heaven. In, heaven I, wouldn't feel pain. At least I, think, so. But maybe...

No, stop.

So, if I didn't die, where am, I?

I started panicking when somone opems door. I froze and wait to see is this somone will hurt me.

A short man with a glowing circle in his chest entered the room, what, really, suprised me. When a whole ago, I, just started panicking now I, was in, fully panic Mode. I know this face. From where? From when? Something, bad? Some villian?

For now I, didn't know. For now I, tried stop hilervenrilating and tried not to, scream. It wouldn't help anyway.

"Hey little one it's... " he started but I didn't hear what je says next. I know it, I've been it I need to escape. Now

I screamed and started struggling with bed sheet, but it wrapoed on my, legs and I, fell from bed. I shriek in pain and squezzed my eyes shut in hope i, won't feel, anything.

But I feeled. Somone touched me. Nononononono no touching. No touching. I bite my lip a little too much and feel warm blood in my, mouth. No rouching please

"No" I, whispered weakly and Who ever try to touch me decide to stop.. Okay good. It's okay it's fine it's alright. I tried open eyes but I Couldn't. It was just too dificult too me right now. Pathetic, but there's nothing I can do, about it.

"Hey kiddo, it's okay. You're safe. No one going to hurt you" somone said in comforting voice. It was nice voice. Deep voice. Calm voice.

"Do you, hear me? Nod if you do" This voice continued. I slowly, nod and even more slowly open my eyes. It was much, more darlwr in this room now and I liked it way more.

I, saw men who, was sitting next to me saying comforting things with, his nice voice. The second men disappear.  I relaxed more because my body was exhausted by being in very, strong alert past all the time I, was awake. I, didn't like this. I didn't want to be more relaxed I, needed to, stay, awake and on, alert. They still may hurt me or be danger for me.

But his voice and face was so, nice. He had amazing, eyes. Like ocean. My, brain used to his words and I, think, I, may be too, sleepy, to decide something. So, maybe I, just close my, eyes and try get some sleep

"You, want me stay, with, you?" I, heard and without missing a beat I, noded. I, feeled like without this voice I, would be awake lomfer and now I, just...



When I wake up I, was again in bed. Somone had to move me and I didn't realise it. They could have done to me everything and I wouldn't notice at all.

I get up rapidly, and I looked around the room. The man who, talked to me while I was falling asleep was sitting On, chair and was checking something on tablet. I, started at him for a while before he notice it.

"Hi, do you feel better than yesterday?" he asked.

I just nod because I was in, shock somone cared how I, feeled. Or he just pretend. Either way no one asked me this question after May died.

I immeditialy regert that I, thought about her, because this quick wave of sadness leave me breath less.

"Hey, are you okay? What's your name?"

I tried to foucus on what, he was talking to me but that was so, hard. Even harder was say something.

"Why, should I... Why-why should I t-tell you this?" I, asked kinda proud I, say, something.

"You don't have to if you don't want to. My, name is dr. Stephen Strange and we are in, Stark Tower"

This left me speechless. Stark... Tower? And me in? Weird home less kid that, got bite by, spider? In Stark Tower.... Impossible. And this is dr. Strange. So, probably, here will be others Avengers. Oh my, god

"How-how I get here?"

"Tony notice you, were wounded in, some alley and he boring you here so you won't bleed out. And I, was your Doctor because dr. Banner Couldn't do it. He usually, fix everyone. You have luck, your wounds will heal in less than week"

"Thank you Mr. dr. Strange "

"Just Doctor Strange"

"Oh, okay"


Did I, write second xhapter when I, was suposed to sleep? Yes

It is shittty? Also yes

But it doesn't matter cuz I, had much, fun in, write it. I hope it's just, a little bit acceptable for y'all and you liked panic scene. I never write panic scenes in this lenguage so I hope it is okay

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