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I really liked Mr. Dr. Strange... I mean dr. Strange.

He was cool and he had this super Orange magic and portals. For now only he talked to me because I was too scared to meet other Avengers and with him I feel safe first time since May, died. First time since two months.

He tell me about his life before tragic crash. Car also destroy his life, so we hated cars together. I tell him about how I, was too slow to help May, and I even wasn't embarrased when I, cried a little. He was like really cool, dad with oramge magic. He even tell me he and Mr. Stark are dating and I am so, happy, for both, of them.

My wounds heal really quickly and he said it is because this spider bite.

So maybe it wasn't that, useless after all. Maybe.

Talking to him really, helped me and now I Couldn't wait to meet other Avengers. It will be so cool.

Especially Mr. Stark and Mr. Dr. Banner. They both, are my idols and I read their history. They are real life heros.

"So how are you feeling?" dr. Strange asked me sixrh, day, after I, woke up, here.

I smiled

"Better. Thank you, for all of it"

"Can I hug you? "

After first, day, he always ask me if he could touch, me. I, apoerciate that, gest. I, nodded and shortly, after I, feel his hands wrapoed over me in bear hug.

I could almost, feel how he was happy and proud of me that I, was getting better.

"So, what? Are you, ready, to meet others?"

I simply, noded. Sometimes words wasn't necesarry.

"Get ready" he said and throw clothes on bed. And open portal to other room. He hated doors because of his trembling hands, so he always uses portals. But it dosen't mean he give up trying. He tries but when no one can see him.

"In, five minutes downstairs" he remaind me and close portal.

I change clothes (I, have to, admit this are very, nice and comfortable and pretty clothes), brushed my, teeth and hair and I, was ready. I, look, at me in, mirrow one more time and go down.

Everyone was in, living, room, exactly ho, dr. Strange was saying. He was there too and he smile to make me feel better. That, was nice.

"Uhm Hi, everyone" I, started and I feel how anxiety was trying to gest me back in, my, shell. But no. I, didn't want to come back there. I needed try.

"Hi, kiddo, you better?" Mr. Stark asked looking at me.

"Yeah.. Mhm... So my, name is Peter Parker and I am Spider-Man. You-you don't have t-to tell, who, you, are" I, chuckled nervously "I-I-I know you, all" I, tried to smile but it didn't turn the way, I'd like.

"Welcome to the spider family, spiderling" Natasha said and she smiled. I, feel, good. I, feel, welcome. I, feel accepted.

"Let's watch, a movie" proposed Clint and everyone agrees. Me too.

I sit on floor where no one would touch me and I smiled.

This is my family - I thought hapoily.


Did I, write last, chapter? Yes.

Do I, regert this is so short? No.

This is really, nice story, and I, like this story. I hope you will enjoy Reading, this as much, as I was enjoying writing it. Maybe some day, I, will, try to fix mistakes with, grammar and interpuction. Maybe...

For now Goodbye cuz it's 2 am and I need to wake up, early so I, should sleep.

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