An exhausted Rick clicked off his phone and hurriedly rushed over to the front door, struggling to pull up his pajama pants. He dragged a hand down his face to wipe some of the sleep away before opening.
A furious, red-faced and flustered Lori Mayo stood in his apartment's hallway, holding up her phone, "What the fuck is this?" She practically screamed.
Rick's old busy-body neighbor, Mrs. Niedermeyer, peaked out through the crack of her door directly across the hall. Not wanting the old woman to know any of his business, he snatched Lori by the wrist and pulled her inside. Once the door was shut, he turned back to her with hands on his hips and sighed with impatience, "What is the what, now?"
Sweeping her long, dark hair back behind her shoulder, Lori raised the phone again to show it was on the YouTube app. She turned it horizontal and the image opened wider. Tapping the triangle play button and in a voice frantic and almost on the verge of tears, she asked, "Tell me that's not you on that stage."
Rick grabbed the phone and moved over to sit on the couch. Pushing over a pile of clothes, he reached for his glasses on the side table. Settling back, he watched the event that changed his life forever. There he was strapped on a cross and there was Michonne, writhing and swaying her tight ass body… doing the most to fuck him up.
She fucked him up good.
He turned down the volume of the cheering crowd. He didn't need to hear it again and just watched their performance, while Lori paced back and forth in front of him.
"Andrea called me this morning and sent me the link. I can't believe you would humiliate yourself in front of all those people, the department… my god, even your parents saw it!" Lori kept pacing and rubbing her hands together then wiped strands of hair behind her ears. Putting a hand to her forehead, she mumbled to herself, "I didn't believe it when Jessie said she saw you there and that you were drunk and ogling her breasts. I just knew you wouldn't do anything like that, especially to one of my friends."
Rick, sidetracked and as calm as ever, asked, "Did they now? And how would my parents have seen some video on the internet? They don't even use it. They actually refuse to." His attention went back to watching Michonne's ass wiggle in front of his face.
Seemingly a little nervous, Lori said in a shaky voice, "Well, I happened to be having breakfast with them when Andrea sent me the link."
Hardly looking up at her, he asked distractedly, "So… you were at my parent's house?"
Lori straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin, "Yes, I was. They had the right to know that their son, a Sherriff's Deputy, involved himself in the most degrading, undignified, abhorrent, sexual acts that were downright disgusting." She fell to her knees and grabbed onto Rick's legs, "Please tell me that's not you in that video. You have a good reputation in this town, and this will destroy it."
Rick sighed again and hit the pause button and removed his glasses. "First of all, the first thang I need you to do is back up and don't touch me." Lori snatched her hands off him and scooted back to stand without his help. "Second, yeah that is me and I really could give two shits what that means to my reputation."