Chapter 10

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"Hurry up and lose the cops before Spider-Man shows up." said one of the car thieves. Then a man jumps on the front of the car window.

"Ta-da say my name and I magically appear!" Shouted the man in spandex.

"It's Spider-Man!, Shake him off!"
The car then starts swerving around trying to Shake off Spider-Man.

"Really, this is how we're playing?" Spider-Man said while sticking to the side of the car. Spider-Man then rips off the door and pulls out both of the guys and throws them to wall webbing them up. Spiderman then jumped into the driver's seat and pushes the brakes.

"Well that was easy, gotta get back to school though."Spider-Man then jumps up and swings away. "Awesome! Stopped a crime and I have enough time to get back before class starts, today is a good da-


My Spider Sense!!!"

"AHHH!!!" Spider-Man shouts while falls on a roof. "What the hell, something must've cut my web." Spider-Man thought while picking himself up.


Spider-Man turns around and is kicked by someone knocking him back onto a wall. "Ouch, what the?" Spider-Man picks himself up and sees two people land in front of Spider-Man. One was a big guy with a mustache and the other guy has a metal bo staff. "Great, who are these guys?" Spider-Man thought to himself.

"Fancy Dan you're up." Someone said in an earbud. Fancy Dan runs up to Spider-Man and starts throwing punches. Spider-Man dodges and tries to throw some punches back but got caught off guard and is knocked back into someone. Spider-Man looks up and sees the big guy behind him and grabs him forcing him into a bear hug slowly crushing his body.

"Look pal, if you needed a breath mint, you just had to ask." Spider-Man said while pulling both of his arms out and webbing his mustache pulling on it to let him go. Spider-Man backs away from him but is cornered by the edge of the building. Spider-Man was about to jump but a helicopter shot a laser behind him as a warning. "Where the hell did that helicopter come from?" Spider-Man thought to himself.

"Where do you think you're going, the boys need a workout!" The pilot of the helicopter said.

"Oh man, I'm so gonna be late." Spider-Man thought to himself while getting into a fighting stance.
At School:
Everyone was getting into class and sitting in their seats.

"Alright class take your seats and wait for directions." Tomioka said. Tomioka was silently doing attendance looking around to see who was here. He then looked at an empty

"Does anyone know where Tanjiro is?" Tomioka said in a monotone voice.

Everyone looks at Tanjiros seat and sees no one there.

"Since when did Tanjiro skip class? Zenitsu thought to himself.

"Sister is gonna be mad at Tanjiro." Kanao thought to herself.
Back with Tanjiro:
Spider-Man shoots a web at the helicopter propeller so the helicopter starts going down. Then Spider-Man dashes up to Fancy Dan and shoots webbing at him as a distraction then Spider-Man kicks him into a wall while webbing him up.

"I got somewhere to be right now so I'll see you guys next time." Spider-Man said while jumping off the roof. The big guy jumps with Spider-Man grabbing him while they're falling. Spider-Man struggles to get the guy off of him.

"You're strong, point taken" Spider-Man says while struggling. "But can you do this!" Spider-Man said using his powers to stick his feet onto a wall making the guy fall down. Spider-Man then webs his hands together and ties him to a flagpole.

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