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You and Brian find ways to entertain the boys through the afternoon. In the early evening, George Martin decides to make an appearance.

"They're still like that?" He asks, as he pokes his head around the door.

"Yes, with no help from you, may I add." Says an annoyed Brian, as he crosses his arms.

George steps into the room, ignoring the fact that his appearance was not wanted by Brian.

"I'm sorry Brian, (y/n). The thought of having four toddlers running around terrified me, and I'm a father! I just can't deal with that many kids at once in that age group."

"I understand. It's been a real struggle. Three of them are happy and laughing, and one is in the corner having a tantrum." You say to George.

"Have you guys made any headway in turning them back?" He asks.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Brian says.

"Well, this whole debacle has been unbelievable, so try me." George replies.

You and Brian fill George in, and he looks gobsmacked.

"Wouldn't it have been easier to just sneak in here and yell at him? Reversing his age -how is that even possible?- is pretty extreme." George says.

The three of you play with the boys, until a security guard tells you the studio is about to close.

"George just use your key to lock up. And who are these cute little kids?" The security guard asks.

"My assistant's nephews. Thank you, Richardson, have a nice night." Brian says, rushing the guard out.

"Should we wait in the lobby for Helen to arrive?" You ask.

"Yes, that's probably wise." Brian replies. "But I'm starting to think she's not coming."

"She will." You say, but you aren't sure if you are trying to convince Brian or yourself.

You, George, and Brian corral the boys into the lobby, which isn't an easy feat. John was surprisingly cooperative. It was Ringo and Paul who had teamed up to give George Martin grief.

To pass the time, you led the boys, Brian, and George in rounds of duck duck goose and patty cake.

As the clock struck 9, you begin to lose hope.

"Maybe we should just bring the boys back to my apartment. I could give Rory a call just to let her know what's happening." You offer.

Just as you say that, you hear a knock on the door. You turn to see Helen, holding a parcel, with Elaina.

George gets up to unlock the door and let them in.

Helen strides in, Elaina sheepishly trailing behind her. Helen sees the boys immediately, and grins.

"You sure you want to turn them back?" She asks.

"Funny." Brian says, annoyed.

"So how exactly are you going to turn the boys back?" George Martin asks.

Helen holds up the parcel.

"With cookies, of course!"

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