𝔎𝔲𝔯𝔞𝔭𝔦𝔨𝔞 𝔛 𝔉𝔢𝔪!ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯 (𝔉𝔩𝔲𝔣𝔣)

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(Art does not belong to me, credit to owner.)

~First Date~

"Are you going to pick me up or...?" you said over the phone. "Yes, of course." "Okay, thank you, Pika. I'll be ready in 10!" You heard a chuckle before you both exchanged your goodbyes. You and Kurapika had been dating for a couple months now. You met while he was visiting Whale Island. You moved there because you were related to Aunt Mito, and you wanted to take care of her and her grandmother when Gon moved out. You both engaged in conversation, and after 2 months of him staying with you, you both fell in love. So you moved to York New with him, where he now lived. 

Even though you both have been dating for 3 months, this was your first official date. You adjusted your outfit in the mirror before grabbing your bag. You waited in the living, scrolling through your phone until you heard the doorbell. Rushing to open the door, you saw Kurapika standing with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He looked at you lovingly, a small red blush on his face. "These are for you, love." You smiled taking them and placing them in a pot inside. "Thank you Pika," you said, pecking him on the cheek. 

You walked to his car and he opened the front passenger seat door for you. "Oh, thank you again, Pika!" He only smiled, taking your hand and kissing the top of it. You blushed, and he got in the driver's seat. "Ready, love?" You nodded. He started the car and drove off. Kurapika had never been this romantic before, so it kind of surprised you. But you weren't complaining. 

He drove past the beautiful buildings in the city, before driving to a more secluded field. It was around 5 pm, and it would be around 2 hours before the sunset. Kurapika took your hand before walking around to the back of the car. "I'm going to need your help carrying some of this." He handed you a fluffy picnic blanket while he grabbed a picnic hamper and two small pillows. Closing the boot, you intertwined your arm with his, and he smiled at you. You both walked to the middle of the field, where you were surrounded by wild daisies.  You set your bag and the picnic hamper down and grabbed one end of the picnic blanket, while Kurapika held the other. You spread the blanket across the grass. You both sat down, placing the picnic hamper in the middle. You took out your laptop from your bag. Kurapika opened the hamper, taking out a box of sushi and a thermos filled with ramen. He took out a bottle of low-alcohol red wine and set it in the middle. He took out two clear plastic cups, two bowls and a couple pairs of chopsticks. "W-wow, you came prepared." He smiled, his hand reaching for your face and tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear. 

Through the whole evening, you and Kurapika ate and watched pre-downloaded movies. He moved closer behind you, pulling you into his lap. He snuggled into you. Kurapika occasionally rubbed your neck and gave you small kisses. At around sunset, Kurapika suggested to take photos. You both dusted yourselves off and walked closer to the horizon. He took out his phone and took photos of you dancing in the field and playing with the flowers. You ran around feeling free. At one point, you sat on the ground fiddling with something. Kurapika walked over to where you were. "Is something wrong, love?" You giggled, standing up and giving him a hug. You placed a little crown weaved with flowers on his head. "There, you look beautiful," you said, giving him another peck on the cheek. "Oh, do I now?" he replied with a smile on his face. He held your waist softly and pulled you closer to him. his face moved closer to yours. You wrapped you hands around his neck. His nose brushed against yours lightly. You felt his breath as he spoke, "Y/n, you're much prettier than me." You blushed upon hearing the compliment. You both stared at each other in comfortable silence. You closed the gap between both of your lips, kissing him passionately. He returned it, the grip on your waist getting slightly tighter. You both separated, before you said, "I love you Pika." "I love you too, Darling."

Yessir, I hope you enjoyed my first one-shot in this book! Continue reading if you liked it! Make sure to vote, comment and follow me! Goodbye!

Word count: 777 words, including A/n

~ℌ𝔵ℌ 𝔵 ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔒𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔥𝔬𝔱𝔰~Where stories live. Discover now