ℭ𝔥𝔯𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔬 𝔛 𝔊𝔑!ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯 (𝔉𝔩𝔲𝔣𝔣)

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(Art does not belong to me, credit to owner) (Reader is Gender-Neutral)

~Attention Please~

'Ugh, he owes me a trillion hugs and cuddles when he comes back,' you thought, throwing yourself onto the bed. You were so mad. Weren't you his wife? "At least he should spare me a glance, he only sends troupe members to check on me now." Even Feitan is more affectionate than him, and that's saying something.

You got up and dragged yourself to the kitchen. Making a cup of coffee and grabbing some snacks, you headed to the living room. Today was supposed to be your monthly movie night. But Chrollo was 'too busy'. "I swear he's used that excuse too many times," you grumbled, finding your place on the couch. You covered yourself in a fluffy blanket, taking the remote and flicking through some Netflix. You stuffed some food into your mouth. The only words rushing through your mind were, 'Chrollo is so annoying, Chrollo is so annoying'. You really were fed up with him, though. It's been a month since you actually saw him, and 2 since you've had a conversation more than 5 minutes. 

Yeah, he was a notorious troupe leader. Yes, he has priorities. But you were his wife for goodness sake! 'Maybe I should make him jealous...' you thought. Nah, everyone's busy. Hisoka was free, but you wouldn't dare talk to that perverted freak. You pouted, thinking of any other possible way to make him pay attention to you. Maybe the silent treatment? Or maybe you should wait at the edge of a cliff until he finds you? Or maybe you should divorce him? You shook your head. Yes, he was pissing you off, but not to that extent. If he continues this though, that's another story. 

The light of the TV blared in your face. You were tired and touch-starved. You wanted to scream, but that's pointless. You'd become pretty sleep-deprived without Chrollo. 'Guess I really do need him then, huh.' After finally picking a show, you nestled further into the blanket. For some reason, you could barely focus on the show. All you were thinking about was ways to get attention from your beloved husband. Thoughts about lingerie, getting kidnapped and clinging onto the edge of buildings filled your mind. An eccentric thought filled your mind, too. 'Cheat? No way! And I'm not simply asking for attention either.' You pouted, rubbing your eyes. The movie continued to play, and you walked off into the kitchen to get more snacks. 

Your phone dinged as you returned, and you viewed the notification. It read 'I'm coming back'. You were still mad, obviously. This man had left you tired, touch-deprived and lonely, and he thinks he can just waltz into your house like nothing happened? 'Well he could if he wanted to, this is his house after all...' you thought. You left him on read, continuing to mindlessly watch the movie. You got bored, and you picked up your phone and started scrolling through it again. You were so tired. Your eyebags had darkened and your face didn't have the same glow as before. You practically lived on coffee and instant noodles. You really couldn't be bothered with being healthy. But you didn't put on any weight, you barely ate. Not because you didn't want to, but because you didn't bother to. You showered regularly, your routine never changed. You were just lazy and lethargic. For some reason, it felt as if your skin clung to you, and you felt drained. Anytime someone from the troupe came over, they'd always give you hugs and played with your hair, but it wasn't the same as Chrollo. They'd bring small energy-dense snacks like chocolate, and Shalnark did the shopping for you. You barely went out either, sticking to sweats and pyjamas. 

The troupe constantly complained about your condition. They pitied you, you looked terrible. Tired and depressed. You probably were. They tried to coax Chrollo into going home, but he insisted he needed to work. He didn't take into account how bad your condition was because he believe you were strong. Oh how he was mistaken. 

You heard the key jangle at the door. You didn't care, you wanted to sleep. You lay on the couch, the top half of your body kinda laying on the floor. Drool spilled out of your mouth, and your eyes were struggling to stay open. Your coffee and snacks were long forgotten on the coffee table, and your head was spinning. Your back ached, but you didn't have the muscle strength to pull yourself back up. You felt dead, almost. 'Am I dead?' You heard a gasp and a couple shuffling movements. You felt a pair of hands wrap around your waist and place you on the couch. You blinked as hard as you could, trying to find the figure who helped you. You were about to crawl off the couch, but a pair of hands stopped you. "I apologise, love. I shouldn't have abandoned you for so long. Look at you, you look sick," a soothing but raspy voice said. "Chrollo?" you said. Your voice came out hoarse and you your eyes finally regained focus. 

You felt small droplets of water fall on your arm. He hugged you tightly, and buried his head into your hair. You had never seen Chrollo cry before. Your arms didn't have the strength to hug him back as tightly, but your threaded your fingers through his hair. Your hands found their way to his nape and you caressed it slowly as he cried. "Chrollo, why are you crying?" you finally asked. He lifted his head abruptly. He smiled slightly before replying. "You're like this because of me. I should've taken the spiders' warnings to heart. I'm sorry." You nodded before crawling into his lap. You yawned and mumbled, "It's fine. You can make up for it by giving me some attention." Chrollo chuckled and lifted you bridal style, carrying you to your shared bedroom. He placed you under the covers, tucking you in, before crawling in himself. He pulled you closer to his chest, so you were facing him. He wrapped his arms around you tightly. "I love you, Y/n. Please forgive me."

"Geez, I already did, now shut up and let me sleep," you mumbled. "Love you..." And after a month, you finally got some long awaited sleep. 

Hello everyone! Hopefully you enjoyed that! If you did, please vote, comment and follow if you haven't already! Also, make sure you sleep and have balanced meals! Okie bye! Stay safe, readers!

Word count: 1107 words, including A/n

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