Yoongi x Reader

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(Reader is exhausted after practice)

Who said being a dancer was easy? It had always been your passion, but the stress and pressure that came with it made you questioned whether or not you want to continue.

You went back home, smiling tightly at Jimin as you walked passed by him. You quickly headed over to the studio and plopped yourself on the couch.

"Hey kid, you ok?", you heard his voice by the door.

"I'm ok, oppa", you mumbled.

"You know how I know you're not ok? I just look at maknae", you can hear him chuckling.

"You know when you said dancers die twice? I feel like I'm about to die now", you sniffled.

You can feel Yoongi sitting down at the empty space next to your head. He's not the type to outwardly show his feelings, but you know he cares for you through the small gestures, such as him untying your tight bun and gently rubbing your shoulder blades.

"Why are you giving up now? I thought you said you like dancing", he said.

"I don't think I'm good enough, oppa", you moved your head on his lap.

"Who said that? Even Jimin thinks you're a good dancer", he said.

"It's very stressful. Every day, it's just a constant struggle and the fact that they said I'm not pretty enough to be the lead role and I can't dance for shit", you wiped your tears.

Yoongi chuckled as he brushed your hair back to reveal your face. "I don't think you're pretty. I think you're beautiful".

"More than me?", Jin poked his head with Taehyung.

"Hyung, the food is ready", Jungkook stacked himself on top of Jin and Taehyung, causing them to nearly tumbling down.

"Unnie, it's ok. We still love you no matter what", Namjoon poked in as well.

"I hear someone is sad. Move over, let me shower you with sunshine and happiness!", Hoseok's entrance made you and Yoongi laughed.

"Hyung? The food is getting cold!", Jimin yelled from the kitchen.

Yoongi pulled you up and took you to the kitchen. He showered you for the rest of the day with kisses and cuddles. You smiled, feeling recharged and motivated to try again.

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