Taehyung x Reader

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(Taehyung nearly lost his girlfriend and puppy)

Since the band had been busy, you keep yourself busy by spending time with your studies and your boyfriend's puppy, Yeontan. You would take him to the park and play with him.

While doing live, fans asked Taehyung how is [Y/N]? Taehyung blushed shyly and smiled, "[Y/N]'s doing fine. She had exams today and I hope it went well. I know she has worked hard and I hope she will get good results".

When he went back to his room, it was empty. He looked around and there was no signs of you or his puppy.

"[Y/N]! Tanie-ah!", he called out.

"What's wrong, hyung?", Jungkook popped his head in.

"Have you seen [Y/N]?", Taehyung asked.

Jungkook shrugged. "I saw her going in, but that's it", he said before hopping away.

Taehyung went to the kitchen to find Jin and Hoseok cooking about. Yoongi and Namjoon were drinking coffee nearby while Jimin was helping to chop the vegetables.

"Hyung, have any of you seen [Y/N]?", he asked.

"I thought she was in your room", Jimin said without looking away from his task.

This set Taehyung into a panic mode. He went out to look for [Y/N] and his puppy outside at the yard.

"[Y/N]!! Tanie-ah!!", he yelled.

"Oppa?", he turned to see you and Yeontan.

"Yah, where did you go?", he asked.

"Tanie had to go", you pointed at the tiny puppy in your arms, which Yeontan barked as a response.

Taehyung sighed. "Gosh you two made me worry", he said.

"Sorry about that. I thought you'd still be busy with the live".

"I should apologize too. I know I haven't been spending time with you".

You shook your head and smiled. "I know what I signed up for. I'm just happy you love me no matter what".

You and Taehyung spent the rest of the day playing with Yeontan outside. He promised to spend more time with you whenever he's free.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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