Hoseok x Reader

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(Hobi takes care of you)

You came home with a sigh and set the box down. You were let go from your job for God knows reason why. You were performing well and never miss a deadline; perhaps it was never meant to be.

"Jagi, look what I-", Hoseok halted his move when he spotted the box of the stuff he'd know it's from your office.

"I've been let go...", you mumbled sadly, sobbing a bit.

Hoseok set the items in his hands down to engulf you in his arms. "It's ok, jagi. I'm here, ok?", he kissed your hair.

"I'll go out tomorrow and look for another job", you wiped your tears.

"What? Why? I have enough for the both of us. How about you go and take a bath? Just relax and I'll sort this box for you, ok?", Hoseok pushed you towards the bedroom.

He ran a bath for you, placed your favourite soap and fragrant in the water and put some nice music for you. The water was warm and soothed the stress away.

"Ok, I'll be right back", he quickly left the bathroom and came back with a bottle of wine and two glasses.

Hoseok placed the tray and set the bottle and glasses down. He took his clothes off and joined you in the tub.

"You're breaking out your expensive wine for me?", you snuggled in his arms.

"Who else I rather enjoy it with?", his smile reminded you of the sun.

After the bath went cold and a couple of refills, Hoseok helped you to wash off and gave you his sweater. It was raining outside and he made you a bowl of hot ramyeon.

"You're spoiling me", you smiled.

"It's not spoiling. It's a dose of happiness", he smiled back.

Both of you enjoyed a nice movie while eating the ramyeon. After finishing the meal, you snuggled in his arms. Hoseok would play with your hair, drawing lazy circles on your arms while his eyes were fixated to the screen.

The sound of the rain made you feel sleepy and you dozed off immediately. Hoseok kissed your temple and continued to watch the movie while holding you close as you sleep. You felt relaxed for the longest time because you knew how much he took care of you. His caring side made you feel loved and secured.

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