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Sabre's point of view
Everyone saw us. I swear everyone did. As Time held me on my pack a lot of Steves looked at us. Some of them laughed, but I couldn't tell if they were making fun of me or though this was funny. Probably more the second. I got a few covered looks from others but I only got that look when they saw my bandaged leg.

"Time please hurry up." I muttered embarrassed by this whole situation.

"I can't just speed up time for anyone." Time said teasing me.

"This is no time for puns." I replied as we got inside the Overseer's house. I looked around and didn't see the Overseer anywhere.

"I'll check his room." Time said before I could ask if we could check somewhere else. He got us to his bedroom. We saw him looking at the Guardian and he was holding his hand? Weird.

"Time put me down." I asked a bit annoyed and tried to slide off his back, but he wouldn't let me.

"At least let me get you somewhere to sit down first." He pushed me to do. I sigh with agreement. He pulls a chair up and lets me slide down onto the chair.

"Did Time just-"

"Yes let's not talk about it." I crossed my arms a bit annoyed. Time stands next to me.

"Okay then.... I guess you're here to talk to the Guardian?"

"I wanted to see how he was doing." I said looking over to him. He was laid down on his back. His wings spread out on either side of the bed. The bandaged made his wings look like a dark mulberry color.

His cloak and shirt was gone replaced with multiple bandages in the same mulberry color. It looked like most of his burns were gone. He even looked less pale then before. The strange scars of his face still lingered. One going over both eyes the other doing down his left. He overall looked better then he did before.

"I guess he hasn't woken up yet?" I asked. The Overseer nods. I looked to see he was still holding his hand. The Overseer saw me staring and let go.

"I have to repair his cloak and shirt later...." He said gesturing to a chest. I went to go over and see what was inside, but Time stopped me.

"I'll grab it." Time says as he opens the chest. He took out the torn cloak and shirt. They also were burned as if he was attacked by flames.

"Looks like these are over, but I can make them again. So once he is fully healed he can wear them again." I said taking them and putting them into my bag. I'll use them for reference.

"How is your leg Sabre? If Time carried you here it must be bad."

"It's not as bad as it looks. Time just carried me here because he is just worried."

"Everyone is worried. At least everyone who knows." I nod and looked at my leg. No blood was seeping through the bandages.

"Yeah.... We should change his bandages. It will keep his wounds from getting infected." I get up quickly getting out of Time's reach.

"It's fine Time! It's relax!" I half yell to him as I grab some bandages he picks me up and I sigh.

"You can't be on your feet."

"Just put me down. It's fine really. I need to do this okay?" I said trying to convince Time. I got nothing from that. He kept me up in the air off my feet. Overseer laughed and pulled a chair next to the Guardian. Time put me down on the chair.

"I swear that's the last time you can do that." I say and start to undo some of the Guardian's wounds.

"How are you going to get home without me though."

"No idea, but you won't be carrying me." I insisted. Time laughed and I laughed with him. I started to put the new bandages on the Guardian when he grunted and shifted. He was walking up.

"Guardian?" Overseer asked wanting to see if he was awake or not. It took a few seconds for us to get a response.

"Where am I?..." He said groaning in pain. Time looked around quickly.

"I'll grab some Green Steves to see if they are alright with coming over." Time started to leave the room. I knew they wouldn't have their energy fully recovered yet.

"Time they- and he's gone." I said as he walked away. I went back to adding more bandages to his wounds in hope he wouldn't open them up again.

"The.... He was following me..." Guardian muttered his thoughts as he tried to sit up. The Overseer helped him with concern.

"Relax it's okay. Sabre fought Nightmare Steve off." I rubbed the back of my head and winced. I forgot about my arm for a second their.

"You are hurt... I am sorry Sabre." The Guardian apologized to me. I shook my head.

"I was bound to get hurt in that. Don't worry. I'm just glad you aren't dead. We were close to losing you." I told him trying to help him relax. He did.

"Can you tell us what happened?" The Overseer asked. The Guardian looked down.

"It is a long story...."

"We have time. Literally." I said trying to make him laugh. He chucked for a moment. I finished dealing with his wounds.

"Can I ask where my clothes are?" He liked around a bit.

"I have them, but they are ruined. I can make you new ones." The Overseer gets up really quickly and grabs black and white fabric as well as some needles and threads. I take it and start to work on his clothes. This is going to take me a while.

"You can sew?"

"Yeah.... How do you think my clothes stay this clean?" I gesture to my clothes.

"Well that is nice to know." He looked at the Overseer and they made eye contact. They quickly looked away from each other. That's really weird.

"Once Time gets here-" Something happened. My voice glitched. I accidentally spoke in numbers, but only for a second. I pretended to cough. I quickly tried to relax as I quickly said. "We should see if anyone else wants to talk to you...." I looked at my left hand I shock.

"Are you alright Sabre?" Overseer asked.

"Yeah just got something in my throat, I'm good now." I said a bit panic. They shook it off. What happened to my voice. It was so sudden and so forced. That definitely wasn't normal. I didn't mean to do that....

"Until then I guess I can explain. You need to know what happened. Especially you Sabre." The Guardian looked at me. His left eye out of focus. I guess he really blind in that eye. I looked at him.


"I think most of them are going after you."
(Words 1167) Yay! Part 40! We are getting far! Thanks for waiting patiently for this chapter and I hope you liked it.

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