Chapter Three ~ What Comes Next For Us

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So this is set a few months after the last chapter and this is where we will like really defer from what actually happened in the show beyond the fact the relationships are different.

3 months later

Who knew that so much could change in three simple months which to some seems like awhile but to shield agents doesn't seem like long at all. Melinda May had returned to shield after she left to uncover the truth of the Tahiti project and she used that to get back on better terms with Coulson and apologized for hiding her feelings for Fitz she also made amends with the others all forgiving her in understanding now that she had explained the entire situation to them. Jemma, now officially dating Trip, was the next major thing to happen in these few months. Everyone was happy for them and they seemed to be happy together. Now that everything was getting back to normal May began playing hard to get, of course she did and Fitz seemed to enjoy this and would always try everything he could, working up the courage to ask her out on a date. Skye popped her head inside May’s bunk where the older women was changing “hey May fitzsimmons has some new weapons for us to check out meet in the lab in ten” May nodded to Skye and when the young agent shut the door again May couldn’t contain the small smile that formed on her face at the thought of seeing Fitz.

Ten minutes later the team was in the lab and Fitzsimmons had a bunch of new weapons lying on the table Skye reached for a new weird looking gun but Fitz smacked her hand away “ouch what was that for” skye semi yelled “just don’t touch that it's a new icer model that works specifically for inhumans” Fitz explained. Simmons began discussing specifically designed weapons they had made for each member of the team but Fitz took May to the side and showed her a sniper rifle. May raised her eyebrows as Fitz picked up the gun and aimed it at her. She reached her hand out and pushed the gun to the side so it wasn't aiming at her, giving him a tiny affectionate smile."Woah hey hey watch where you aim that” she said eying the weapon she gently took it getting a closer look. The team dispersed and just before May could leave the lab a hand caught her wrist she turned and smiled seeing Fitz looking so nervous it was quite adorable he finally spoke up after they stared at each other for about a minute “so um I know this nice little restaurant in the umm city we are headed to and thought maybe you and me could….” At this point he was nervously fidgeting and looking at the floor “yes I think I'd like that pick me up at 7” was her simple response before she gently squeezed his hand and smiled before walking away.

The rest of the day May stayed in the cockpit enjoying her view but also trying to ignore this feeling in the pit of her stomach, probably the nerves building up about the first date she’s been on in years. The team was playing scrabble and Trip noticed it first that all the words Fitz was spelling had something to do with help and nerves. After the game he pulled Fitz aside “you wanna talk about it bud cause your sweating and you kept spelling words like panicking and potential disaster” Fitz sat down and rubbed his hands over his face “I am completely clueless when it comes to dating and everything about it please help me” the young engineer looked at Trip desperate “alright alright well for starters what date is this like where are you taking her” “a nice and quiet restaurant” Trip nodded and they processed to talk.

It was now 5:30 and May was coming out of her bathroom and she looked up to see Bobbi, Skye, and Jemma sitting on her bed with big dopey grins on their faces. May then saw Jemma with a big makeup bag, Bobbi holding several garment bags, and Skye holding tons of hair products May sighed knowing where this was all going "let's get this over with" May sat in the desk chair she had and the three younger agents got to work dolling her up.

Across the hall in the other hotel room Fitz had spent the last thirty minutes going back an forth with two identical dress shirts one a dark blue one a greyish blue Trip and Coulson were sitting on the bed watching the poor guy think. "If your wearing black pants and black shoes I think the darker shirt is better" Coulson spoke first Trip nodded in agreement "Directors right and here" he tossed Fitz a bottle of cologne "I always use that before a date really works on the ladies" Trip winked at Fitz.
Taking all that information in Leo Fitz finished getting ready then proceeded to go back to pacing nervously checking his watch every now and then.

Melinda May was a master at focus and taking pain but patience was not a virtue of hers so since she's been sitting down for an hour with Jemma and Skye pulling at her hair and covering her face in much heavier make-up then she's used to May was close to loosing it the nerves and the ranting from Bobbi over her outfit not a great mix. "Ok options ten and eleven a tight sexy red spaghetti strap midi dress or a tight short sleeveless purple glitter dress both paired with medium high black pumps" Bobbi rattled off Jemma paused her work on Mays smoky eyes so the women could look "let's do the red one" Melinda said in an annoyed tone "are you almost done you two?" She gestured to Jemma and Skye who both nodded doing the finishing touches. "Alright now go change" Bobbi handed May the dress then shoved her in the bathroom

May had come out of the bathroom dressed slipped on the heels then stood in front of the mirror and froze staring blankly at herself "I look like a hooker" was her simple response before she slumped on the bed "no you don't you look hot like real hot" "supermodel amazing" "More stunning than the crown jewels" May smiled at the compliments getting up and weirdly hugging each girl "thank you all of you now go go so I can have some space" they left without a word but some winks and raised eyebrows. Once they left May looked at herself once more before turning and checking herself out "they did good" she muttered still annoyed at how hard her hair now was and the show makeup on her face how these heels were already killing her feet and she couldn't breathe in this dress but she thinks Fitz will be pleased and suddenly she was smiling thinking about what be will wear.

Leo Fitz was nervously bouncing outside his dates bunk holding a bouquet of Mays favorite flowers it was five minutes till seven and he was trying to build up the calmness to just knock smile hand her the flowers and then whisk her off but it's harder than he expected. He jumped when a chorus of  "Just knock already!"came from the team behind him peaking their heads out of the room. He nodded and took a breathe knocking it felt like forever before the door opened his jaw dropped in awe at the sight before him May bit her lip to keep from smiling looking at him  "you....look...just.... stunning"

"You don't look so bad yourself shall we?"

He nodded and after handing her the flowers she took his arm and they left

"Twenty bucks says the whole date is silent" Skye started

"Twenty bucks says she falls in those heels" Hunter quipped

They all took and made their bets then did their thing for the night.

(May's outfit)

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(May's outfit)

(I'm not gonna do Fitz's outfit cause I mean does anyone really care)
(But if you do wanna see it feel free to comment I'll post it with the next chapter)

The End

Ah ha! Suspense! the next chapter will be all about the date and what happens during and after...... Hehe gosh this chapter took ages and it's partly because I was very busy and partly because I had major writers block for this story but I am committed to this book and I'm passionate about it as I am with all my stories. I hope you enjoyed it!

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