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alberto and luca now sat together on a rock near isle del mare, leaning into eachother and holding hands as alberto sighed happily, tail intertwining with lucas as the boy giggled at the gesture, cooing with a trill.
"oh, alberto," sighed luca, "it's all so magical!"
alberto smiled, nuzzling his cheek into the side of lucas forehead, "yeah."
luca giggled at the affectionate gesture, before looking up at alberto with a raised brow, he looked down at his claws, mimicking the gesture from before and rubbing his index against his thumb. "it's a shame your food had to miss this." he commented.
"nah." alberto laughed, smacking his stomach gently, "probably would've hurled up if that wasn't gross."
then he blinked, pulling back and sputtering as he waved his hands around to try and explain, sweating as he saw lucas eyes slit and his fins sharpen, "uh, that is, um- oh no . . ."
"you are the boy from porotorosso!" luca growled, grabbing his leg and with a yelp, dragging alberto up to his land with surprising strength as he slapped the boy on the sand, growling as he transformed back into his land form, "i knew it! why did you lie?!"
he cried, his voice was hurt and when alberto pushed himself to stare at the boy who was slipped out from the water, ear fins dropped sadly.
"luca," alberto babbled out, voice a croak, "i'm sorry!" he cried out, clutching claws.
"did you think i was stupid?" luca asked, crawling up and pushing himself up to walk around him, circling alberto like a shark, paralleling him from his stalking from yesterday.
"no!" alberto squeaked, reaching out.
"did you think i wouldn't figure it out?" he shot back with a crack in his voice, leaning down to grab alberto.
"no!" he called, reaching for his shoulders, "i mean, i hoped you wouldn't." under lucas glare, he faltered, "no, that's- that's not what i meant-"
"who are you?!" luca asked with a growl as he tightened his grip on albertos shirt and threw him on the ground, tackling him with a straddle and a snarl, "tell me the truth!" he slammed him down, back arched in anguish.
"the truth." alberto babbled, "the truth, um," he bit his lip, looking luca up and down as his shoulders tensed and he fiddled with his thumbs, "the truth is . . ." he suddenly shot up.
"i sometimes dress as a land monster!" he squeaked out, nodding vigorously, "um," he leaned down, scratching the back of his head as he told the somewhat truth, "to escape the pressures of the sea ocean life . . ." he cleared his throat, laughing. "but! i really am a predator!"
he shot back up at that and laughed loudly, it was somewhat true.
luca glared at him suspiciously, then sighed as he gripped the bridge of his nose and let him go. "why didn't you just . . ." he flared his nostrils in frustration as he strangled the air with a strangled sigh, "tell me?" he asked.
alberto laughed loudly again, knocking him off him playfully. "well, you know," he cackled with a snort, "a sea monster going out into the city, doing the change?" he asked, letting out a hand and urging the boy to take it, helping him up when the boy did, "it sounds a little strange," he raised a brow, "don't you think?"
"hmm." luca hummed in agreement, buying it with a coy nod as he giggled, gripping albertos hand and leaning into his shoulder, "not that strange."
alberto smiled and gripped his hand back, swinging it in the air as they strolled the island for a bit, "it's getting late," murmured luca, regret in his eyes as he bit his lip, "i should go."
"leaving so soon?" alberto asked, purring as he gently nudged him with his shoulder, "atleast let me escort you back, il mio amore." he insisted.
luca giggled, and with a nod, the two laugh as they jumped off a cliff and into the water below together, swimming, dancing and chasing eachother back to lucas cave. luca hummed as they neared his window, and slipped in.
but before he left, he leaned into the window, crossing his arms and fluttering his lashes, "good night, my handsome predator." he cooed softly.
alberto chuckled, still wrapping his head around that. "sleep well, princess."
alberto smiled, feeling his cheeks hurt from the strain as he settled on a rock below him, but his legs slipped as the rock rolled back and he fell forward, tripping. but instead of crashing into the caves windows wall . . .
lucas lips captured him, and they blinked in surprise at the kiss, before lucas eyes suddenly fluttered and he leaned into it, leaning down as alberto tilted his head to roll and capture it better, fitting them together like puzzle pieces with a sigh.
luca pulled away first, a coy, proud sprinkle in his eye as he caught his breath. luca turned, smiling and looking behind his shoulder at alberto as he strutted away with a purpose.
alberto grinned, ignoring the pain in them as his tail curled and released as he pumped his fists in the air, "yes!" he exclaimed, leaping back and then falling into the sand below him.

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