Chapter 11: I get a phone call

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We arrived at Jack's place without any further incident. I didn't know if that was good or bad sign. I decided to dwell upon those thoughts later. It was no use to stress myself out now. Besides I didn't want anymore grey hairs growing (though I do pluck them out) again. I decided to make myself comfortable in the meantime and tried to go to sleep. I must say I am very impressed at the state of their new crib. It wasn't as big as the one back in the agency but the defence mechanisms and facilities were almost as good as the ones back home or dare I say it ,maybe even better. Their security system was an work of genius too. Not to mention that their bunker was well hidden.

I lay their on the bed that they gave me for the night. They were even kind enough to put me in a private room with Jay. Not that we were going to get up into anything of course. He was fast asleep from his bullet wound and here I was staring blankly at the ceiling and at him. Alternating every now and then. Deep in thought.

Oh Jay. What have I gotten us into?
Jay, of course, stays silent.
I let out a sigh. I need sleep. I tried closing my eyes. Nothing. I tried turning off the night light. Nothing. I tried counting sheep. Nothing so I decided to get up and do something productive. I put my boots back on and go for a stroll around the compound.

Thank goodness the corridors were dimly lit. I don't think my eyes could handle the harsh lighting at this time of the night or if you want to be accurate then day. I walked on for a while pondering on what I have done. I couldn't describe exactly what I was feeling. My emotions were too raw and too quick for me distinguish them each.

What have I gotten myself into?

The question bounced around my head.

What have I gotten myself into? What have I gotten myself into?What? What?

I heard voices up ahead. They weren't loud but they didn't exactly whisper to each other. I sneaked up the corner, experiencing a deja vu kind of thing.

"She's a loose cannon. We can't risk having her here." A male voice said.

"She is not. She is my friend and I am telling you now that she is trustworthy." It was Jack. I'm guessing that the male voice was either his superior or someone of similar ranking.

"Then tell me why is she here?Why can't she go elsewhere? Isn't she a prodigy agent or something?"

What an excellent question to ask. I decided to be careful around this man. He speaks with a fox's tongue.

"That's exactly why."

A chuckle.

"Care to elaborate on that Jack?"

"Yeah." Jack said, "I mean just think about it. Isn't that what they would think of too? They'll think that she'll be in one of her bunkers or something of a sort that she designed. She wouldn't need any help. She is after all a prodigy."

That's not true Jack. I need help and I need it bad.

"Again I don't see why she must stay here."


I didn't stay to here the rest of their conversation. In all honesty I couldn't care less about it. I've been thrown out onto the streets to fend for myself before. It won't be too hard.

I kept on walking and found a library, a cafeteria, their airport, a security room and surprisingly a door marked 'Dungeon'. Of course being the curious person I am I tried and failed to open the door marked 'Dungeon'. I was thinking of picking the lock but decided that it would be best if I didn't get into any unnecessary trouble. Instead I made my way back to the cafeteria and bought myself a cup of coffee. The barista, even though she looked tired, was very friendly to me. From her features I could tell that she was from one of the asian countries, though I couldn't tell exactly which. Her eyes were slanted but it was nothing like the Chinese, Japanese or Koreans;Nor did she possess the dark chocolate skin of the Indians. Nevertheless she made me a delicious cup of coffee. I took another sip of it, letting the caffeine slowly flood my veins.

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