Lydia's pov:
It's been three months today since Allison died, and the days just seems to last longer and longer without her. It's strange to see it's only me who seems to be affected by the loss, except from Isaac who left to France with mr. Argent. Scott seems to have forgotten all about her, I know it sounds mean: he really loved her, but it do looks like he has. I've tried to talk with him about her one day, since I do need someone to talk to, but that talk only lasted some minutes because of a text from Kira saying she wondered if he wanted to do homework with her and so he excused himself and said we could talk another day if I wanted (which never happened). And Stiles is just to busy being with Malia. So today I wanted to stop thinking about Allison for once and decided to get drunk on the wine we have here home.It didn't take long until I actually got real drunk (Which i feel i haven't been in quite a while), but of course not drunk enough to forget about my dead best friend or her voice in my head.
When it was seventh o'clock I was on the floor dancing to Madonna. I had the music as loud as it would go, trying to overwhelm the sweet sound of Allison whispering my name. I know Scott probably could here the music back at he's place, but he is too busy with his new girlfriend to come and check by. I know it's quite unfair of me to get mad at him, he deserves to be capable to move on - but not without me.. How does he do it? To be okay with her being gone? I'm surely not okay.Derek's pov:
I was only taking a walk trough the neighborhood because Peter was annoying. It was NOT because I had any thoughts about checking on her at all... I was just innocently walking by. It was because of the loud music of hers I went to her house to see if everything was okay. JUST because I was worried she would end up having the police on her door (with the deputy drooling all over her). So I walked over to her house, up at the porch and knocked on the door pretty hard, making sure she'd hear it with the loud music playing. The first smell I smelled was alcohol, then tears. That kind of broke my heart, knowing she had been crying, been sad and gotten drunk on... Wine, I think it was I smelled, all alone. When I think about it, surely its been quite a distance between her, Scott and Stiles this last couple of months. I was just about to knock again when the door finally opened. The first thing I noticed where her clothing, a big t-shirt and black shorts (not quite her usual outfit), then it was her red eyes and the lack of mascara under her eyes. She looked really surprised to see me, but greeted me with a big smile."What brings you here, Hale?" She asked, running her fingers up and down the door. "I..," was all I got out before she interrupted me. "You wanna come in?" It sounded more like an command then a question. She just turned on her heels and walked back in to the living room. "You don't have to take your shoes off if you don't want to, I'm gonna clean the house tomorrow anyway," she said loudly before turning off the music. I looked a little around before walking into the living room, seeing her sitting on the couch and looking towards me.
Lydia's pov:
I looked at him as he walked into the room, looking a little like a lost puppy. "So, what were you doing here again?" I clapped my hand on the couch as an invitation to sit next to me. "I was just in the neighborhood and thought about..," he stopped for a minute, walking toward the couch and sat down before continuing: "I heard your music and thought about to check to see if you were okay," i felt quite touched to know someone at least wanted to see if I were fine. I was just about to come out with my usual remark: 'I'm okay', but the dizziness took a hand over me and I ended up leaning back with my hand covering my eyes. "How many drinks have you been taken?" He looked at my glass and the wine at the table before looking back at me. "Not enough..," I murmured, before slipping my hand back down in my lap.I turned my head to the right to look directly at him. "You know..," I started before sitting up in a more comfortable way, "you have very beautiful eyes, you know that?" He gave me this look that shouted 'Seriously!?'. "Not enough, you said," he mimicked me before raising up and taking the bottles I've been drinking of back into the kitchen. "Who said you could do that?" I whispered before leaning back at the couch.
Derek's pov:
I had no idea where to put the bottles, so I just left them on the bench. When I walked back into the living room Lydia was staring all empty at the wall, looking like a little girl who just lost her parents. "You okay?" I asked, looking at the drunk redhead in front of me. She turned to look at me while biting her lower lip. "Yes, I'm peachy," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. You know, normally (like if this was Stiles or Scott) I would just have shrugged my shoulders and left, but I've never seen anyone look so broken before. So instead of leaving I sat back down beside, awkwardly stroking her back. First she looked at me like I was about to kill her but after some few seconds she leaned into my touch and ended up resting her head on my shoulder. I'm pretty sure that right then I looked like she was about to kill me."You wanna tell me what's wrong now?" I played a little with her hair without even thinking about. "It's really nothing," she stated. I did pretty much knew what she was sad about, Allison of course, but I just didn't understand why she said that was nothing. I mean losing your best friend would've been quite a big deal for me, if I had one. "Allison was like a sister to you, she wasn't 'nothing'," I don't even know if that sentence made sense, but Lydia chuckled against my shoulder so I'm pretty sure she understood what I meant. "I just really.. Really misses her," she began, kind of chocking on her own words still having a lot of alcohol in her system. "I know," was all I could think of saying, stroking my hand from her head, trough her hair and down her back. "But it'll be better with time, I promise you that," I put my hand under her chin, raising her head so I could get a good look at her. "Come on, I'll help you up the stairs and up to your bed," I said while helping her stand. "It's early," she sighed, looking up at me. "Yeah, but I don't think there's a bad idea for you to go to bed now so much that you have been drinking," I chuckled before helping her towards the stairs, then ended up lifting her up to her bedroom. I put her gently down in her bed and was about to leave when I heard a soft "thank you," coming from her mouth. I turned to look at her one last time before leaving her bedroom and then leaving her house.

Something in between //Lydia and Derek//
ФанфикThis is just a lot of dydia drabbles because I just love the idea of a Derek and Lydia relationship. The different chapters will be named after different letters my friends says to me, an example: C for cuddle.