Chapter 7

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I was busy revising and put on my headphones. I turned up the volume as loud as I could cause that's the only way for me to focus on my study without having to bother about reality. Reality.

" Madi," as I felt a touch on my shoulder. I quickly stood up and gripped the wrist of whoever hand that was as tight as I could. Then a few seconds after, I came to my sense and it was pa's. Allahu!!!!

" Ouch ouch!!!," he cried in pain.

" I'm so sorry pa. Forgive me," as I let go and hold his arm. He tried to find a spot to sit while gently rubbing his wrist.

"Tough girl you are sweetheart," he joked. " I've knocked a few times but you didn't answered,"he said.

" Yeas. I've had the volume at full blast. I'm sorry pa. I was suprised," I apologised while giving him a massaged on his 'injured' wrist. Invisible inverted comas. Sigh.

" I came by to talk to you about..," he had a long paused.

Oh no. It's okay Madi. Answer your pa as honest as you could be alright.

".....the proposal," he continued.

" Oh.. what about it?," I asked, trying not to make any eye contact.

" As I said before, your ma and I won't force you if you're not ready yet. But sweetheart, you can't let people waiting with no answer," he said.

As much as I wanted to deny what he just said, I mean it's very true though. I couldn't let people waiting for something that me myself unsure of.

" Pa, I think......," taking a long deep breath. " I would like to get to know Adib. But still, marriage is still something that I need to consider of but at least give it a try rather not trying at all," I said.

I could see that there's a mix of emotions in pa's face. I can't even figure them out.

" Are you sure?," he asked for confirmation as if he's in disbelieved.

" Yes pa," I said as I held his hand.

It's been a week since I've decided that I would like to get to know Adib Khiyaar. And today is the day Adib and I will be having our first 'get to know' session.

" Ya Rabb, be with me," I sighed.

I heard a couple knocked and ma entered my room. She looked at me and her face expression just, Allahu, ease my mind everytime I looked at her.

"Adib is here, honey," she said while sitting on my bed. "You look nervous," she said. I gave her that look 'No I'm not'. Duh. Who were you kidding Madi, that's your ma you know.

"Don't be. Get to know each other. You guys are adult now. Don't do anything wrong, alright?," she said.

"Yes ma..," as I hug her.

I walked down the staircase and saw Adib with my pa and Hafiiz, chatting, probably. More to threathening when it comes to Hafiiz.

"There you are, sweetheart," my pa said. "Now take care of her Adib. I trust you," he warned.

"And dude, don't you dare do something that you might ended up regretting capish?," Hafiiz added and man he scares him.

" Yes," Adib said nervously. Oh, pity you.

He helped me with the door and now, we're inside his car. Just the two of us. I kept on reciting Al- Kursi. Over and over again.

"Don't worry. I'm a man of my words," he said while adjusting his seatbelt. "So, where would you like to go?," he asked. Not making any eye contact. Well, that's so not him from what I remembered during our first meeting.

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