Chapter 2: Not Dead

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Elizabeth opens her eyes and glances around confused about what happened before she blacked out. She stands up and looks around before holding her head "Ugh my head. What happened? Why am I on the floor?" she looked to her left near the table she gasped and ran to her pulseless family that laid on the floor in front of her. She tried to help them unaware they were beyond the point of saving.

Elizabeth runs to find her father but stops at a mirror and looked at herself in the mirror. "Wh-what happened to me," she says looking at her violet and black eyes. Her left eye was now black as the night outside with a white dot for a pupil and her right eye was a violet purple color.

She noticed that her left eye was dripping a thick black liquid, some of the liquid dripped onto the floor and created a corrosion on the red carpet beneath her feet. She cautiously touched the black liquid it only rested on her fingers not corroding the skin soon memories came flooding back to her of what happened.

"He did this....he killed them all..." she thought as she held her throbbing head. "I..ive got to find Mariah a...and Micheal" Elizabeth slowly stood up and carefully made her way to the bathroom and gets herself patched and cleaned up. " wh..what did my father hope to accomplish?! The death of all his kids?! What was it!?" She growls then heads to her room.

Elizabeth gets changed into a black tank top, with black leather boots, and black baggy pants. These were her usual training clothes that she wore when her father taught her hand on hand combat. She quickly goes to Mariah and Micheal's rooms but they were not answering the door no matter how hard she knocked.
"Ah, Elizabethzy good to see your alive and well" a man said as he stepped from out of the shadows
"Who are you!?" She froze seeing her father "dad?"
"Hello my sweet angel i thought you were-" she cuts him off by pointing her knife at his throat. "What did you inject into us!? Why didn't it kill me!?"she asked angrily
"I only injected you with a virus that will make you so much stronger" he smirked
"Bullshit! What did you actually inject into me!!"
"Im telling the truth my child"
"Put the knife down" he approached her. Before she could attack he slammed her into a wall her hands pinned above her head.
"You cant kill an immortal Elizabeth you know this"He took the knife and threw it into a wall before dropping Elizabeth and leaving.
Elizabeth growls then gets up and rubs her wrists then packed her stuff from her room
"I need to leave i cant survive here"

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