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"Good morning my lovely children." Your mom is a bit off this morning because that kind of greeting seems to be very weird. She is all happy and always give that smiley face but today it's different.

You look at your side and Yoongi is eating his breakfast. He looks weird too. Thus you come out with a conclusion that the morning is weird. Totally weird. Especially your mom.

"So ... when will you bring him again?" Your mom asks Yoongi as she sits next to him. Interrogation time!

Ahhh so it is about Yoongi, your brother. Plus it's a him she's referring too definitely not himself but him as in another man.

"Why are you so excited about it mom?"

Hands are busy spreading the jam on the bread with her mouth non stop talking. "Cause .. he seems nice and ... I never know you have someone. I'm happy to see you happy."

Three people eating at the dining table, different jam flavours and different ways of munching. "I need to ask him first when he's free."

"Sure! You're turning 24 this year so I guessed you must've someone already and you do. Didn't expect to meet him like that though."

"Like how mom?" Yoongi is staring at you because now you're opening your mouth to say something. "Well, they're just .. watching Tv together and giggling. It's been a while to see you giggle Yoongi."

"Nah .. that's better than what I witnessed." You can feel the heat from Yoongi's stare but who cares? "Oh... like how? What did you witness?" Your eyes are taking side glances at him, wanting to see if it's fine to tell what you saw.

"Jimin was on his lap."
"Aaaaa his name is Jimin." Your mom says. She didn't know just now.

"That's a very cute name." This is not how he wants to start off his day. "How about you sweety?" Wait. Isn't this about Jimin or Yoongi? What about you?

"What do you mean?"
"I mean what about you? Do you have anybody? Someone maybe boyfriend or girlfriend or any type of friend?"

"You mean Jin?" She sighs. "Not him oh god. Not that kind of friend. That's best friend. I mean someone you like."

Now Yoongi is having his fun. "You remember the party we went to mom?" Oh no he isn't going to tell anything about it. "U huh."

"Y/n was so close with that athletic boy." Your mom's eyes are growing bigger. "Uuuuu which one? Baseball team players?"

"Yup!" That's a strong 'p' sound. "That pitcher. The buff and baby face one."

"Wow y/n. I never know you're good in flirting with a handsome boy. Jungkook right? Handsome boy." Yes! Today is the day you finally know that you hate your brother.

"So ... when will you bring him here and meet me?"


Jin is slurping his apple juice and it's already empty but he keeps slurping it. Totally making some noise pollution now. "Did you listen to what I say?"

"Yeah. Yoongi has a boyfriend." That's the whole point that he got from the long pep talk? And it's not even about you. It's again your brother.

"That's not important!"
"It is. Like your hot bro is off limit. Dang it! I should've flirt him last week."

The audacity of your best friend to date your brother. "Wow! And all this while I thought we're besties."

"We are. Chill. I see hot man I droll."
"What happened to the leader? Thought you like him? Having a crush on him?"

He shrugs his shoulder and flips his hair, it's a mullet. Not sure how can he has that hair, it works on him though.

"I do. Nothing happened yet since like you know I like to take things slow." A big fat lie. "Just say you can't approach him or you're scared to talk to him and go."

He puts down that juice box and sits up straight again. "Now, you said that your mom thought Jungkook is your boyfriend?"


Jin is standing at the door, not sure if he wants to walk out or stay. "You sure you're fine alone? I mean .. it's almost six and usually ghost appears around this time."

"Please Jin. Stop watching too much Netflix series. I'm fine. Just gonna check some paperworks and then I'll go back home."

"Alright. See you tomorrow then y/n. If you see a ghost or something just say to them you're busy to play." Wondering how can he be a part of this student council. He's like that.

You're signing the papers since they need the president's sign before tomorrow. "You're still here?" The way you startled and ruined the sign. Seriously?

"You! Could you not suddenly talk like that?" You have to cover that ruined sign now. "Sorry." You look up again but hands are doing work. "What are you doing here Jungkook?"

He's in his baseball outfit and cap. "I was taking my book from the locker. Why are you still here though?" He gets closer to look at what you're doing. "Just signing papers."

He's still there and you feel a bit nervous though. Is he judging your signature? "Umm.. why are you still here though?"

"I just-" he pauses. "You know-" he stutters. Is he okay? "Um??"

He takes a breath. "Okay. I accidentally heard about what your mom and you talked about this morning, in the cafe." You literally stopped signing. No. No way.

"Oh god. I'm-Please just ignore. I'm gonna talk to her tonight cause we aren't .. yeah you know?"

"Don't worry about it!" You say as you're looking down, not having the guts to look at him. "Actually ..." he's still here?

"Can I be your boyfriend?" What?

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