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"Roshogulle hai?",Shaan whispered to Mini.

"Woh rahe!",Mini said, pointing towards the bowl.

He was going to serve himself the Roshogulla but Suhasini picked up the bowl and served it to Tapan and Rajan and kept it on her side,away from Shaan.
His mouth left open in the air.

"Ki?",Suhasini asked.

"Mukh band karo.",she continued eating a bite.

He closed his mouth immediately.

"Khana khao!",Suhasini ordered.

"Woh Maa roshogulla...",he lowered his voice at end.

"Ha?",Suhasini asked.

"Rosho....gull...a...",he again fumbled.

"Ki bolbe tumi Shaan?",Suhasini asked with a frown.

"Maa,Dada ko roshogulle chahiye!",Mini said on his behalf.

"Duggaa!",Suhasini slapped her head.

"Yeh lo!Why you were fumbling a lot for this little thing!", Suhasini served him Roshogulle.

Shaan smiled.

"Still a kid Shaan.",Tapan shrugged.


At Roy's House

Rukmini was giving a head massage to Shloka,Rukmini sitting on the bed and Shloka sitting near her legs.

"Boudi,can I ask something?",Shloka asked,  closing her eyes.

"Pucho!",she replied softly.

"Why you,Dada,Anish and Shriya love me so much.I not even belong to your family!Just a tenant of you house.... ",she looked back.

Rukmini's hands stopped.

"Pata hai Puchki,aaj tak jitne bhi tenants aaye no one was that much lovable and sweet than you,we love your everything,the way you call me and Bipin,Dada and Boudi,the way you talk with Anish and Shriya,no one did like that before and we are just giving you back the love you gave us!That's it.",she said loosely braiding her long hairs.

"And we just try to keep you happy in Pishi's absence.",she secured the braid with a hair tie.(Rukmini and Bipin calls Shloka's mom Pishi=Bua/Father's sister)

Shloka leaned back over Rukmini's legs and Rukmini kissed her forehead.

"Now,you sleep well!Kal Hospital jaana hai na.",she said standing up from the bed.

Rukmini just reached to the door and Shloka back hugged her.

"Good Night Boudi!",she said, keeping her chin on her shoulder.

"Shubhoratri Puchki!",she replied kissing her cheek.


"After examining all the evidences,the court founds Mr.Raman Ghoshal innocent in the property alligation case.The Court is adjourned now.",Judge announced and a huge smile crept on Shaan and Sourav's face.

"Ami Apnake khob kritgya Sourav Babu!"(I am very thankful to you),Raman said, joining his hands in front of Sourav.

"Don't thank me!Thank Shaan!He did all the research in your case!I was just a way of communicating his collected evidences.",Sourav smiled looking at Shaan.

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