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Everybody knows about the two growing legends right? Rising to fame with their overwhelming skills and charisma right?


Each of them specializing in their perspective of fields.

The piglin hybrid has been known longer, earning titles such as blood god through his battles. His sheer strength and combat ability made him vicious and victorious through numerous battlefield. His golden crown glimmers with his blood red eyes and his crimson cape that helps cover the blood of those unfortunate enough to satiate his bloodlust.

The masked man however, came out of nowhere, a mystery. His agility and dexterity made it as if he was gliding across the most dangerous of places. His smiley porcelain mask made his features hidden making him unpredictable and unnerving, along with his bright green hoodie that seem to warn you where he is.

They were feared warriors and idolized by many, so surely they would be prepared for anything right?



Apparently fucking not.


"They got us good huh."

"No kidding genius."

"Aww, you think Im smart."

"Shut up nerd." he grumbled as he walked forward, his red cape and long pink hair flowing behind his back.

"If I felt like it." a man wearing an obnoxious green hoodie said, trailing behind him.

His red eyes glared at black dots for a moment before he resumed his walk. He was already too tired to dropkick the masked man behind him.

It's not his fault. No one told him he would have a forced field trip to god knows where by an ominous looking dude with a black cloak when he and the masked man were coincidentally going at the community house together in his supposedly harmless server.

He should've known better than to trust a homeless man with house security.

'lmao imagine being a blood god and getting teleported by a darth vader kinnie, couldn't be me'


'I say we stab the green teletubby'

'GET REKT LOL spam f in the chat'




"Shut up if you want to keep your head in place." he threatened.

"Was that for me or are the voices acting up again?"

"It's a suprise."

"Ohh, can't wait." he can hear the smirk in the others tone and it annoyed him to no end.

"For someone homeless you sure are confident." he smirked.

"I have a house! And what the hell does that have anything to do with my confidence?!" the other flared his hands aggressively 

"Everything has something to do with houses. You wouldn't know cause you don't have one."

They continued bickering pointlessly, the voices egging him on.

'Aww green boi is big sad. Make him cry harder'

'My 'stab the teletubby' opinion still stands'

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