Techno and Dream's days of suffering (Part 1)

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Two months earlier
"What the fuck."

Dream gasped dramatically, "Techno, I didn't know you could swear."

"I don't think we really have the leisure to be worried about my choice of words Dream."

Dream casually shrugged it off but based on the constant fidgeting of his hoodie and shuffle from his steps, he's not faring any better than he is. Of course, the voices are already getting wild.


'LMAO we did it, we got isekaid bois'

'OMG what do we do now?! We're gonna starve and die!''

'Guys please, don't panic Techno more than necessary'

'SHUT UP @last_reason!'


'can't believe we got stuck with a homeless man smh'

'TF Isekai?'


They were being more annoying than usual but he already has plenty of problems at hand to pay attention to them.

The first being glaringly obvious, they're lost in an unknown world in a who-knows-fucking-where realm with barely anything at hand. One where they knew absolutely nothing about! There are always different kinds of varieties of worlds with different settings, most being on default since it's the standard and easier to manage but based on the unfamiliar plants and mobs earlier, he could tell they're in one of the more eccentric ones. They're gonna have a lot of fun figuring out the mechanics from this world.

The other problem being whoever sent them here is way more than just a fool spontaneously pranking them. After all, not just anyone can yeet someone in a different realm. Only an ancient god or something similar could do that. Especially when it comes to him and Dream.

Ah right Dream. Of all people he could get stuck with it just had to be the homeless admin. It could have been Philza or Wilbur, heck, he'll even rather choose Skeppy! But nope. Green Teletubby. Sure they had a rivalry and bantering thing going on but they're not even that close! They barely interacted after the duel and just so happened to be going in the same direction. Besides, Dream is unpredictable as hell and is just as confused as he is right now.

Oh god, they have no idea how to go back.

Day 1

"Hey, do you reckon I can climb that biiiig tree over there in three minutes?"
Dream asked sluggishly while pointing at where he assumes a big tree is.

"Weak. I'm betting two minutes." He said while looking up at the huge oak tree somewhere near them. He looked down to see Dream who's breathing is ragged and faceplanted on the ground, slowly becoming one with the grass. He sneered at the sight then crouched right beside him, he then proceeded to poke him with a stick, annoying the obviously drained man.

"Who told you to continuously teleport without a break nerd"

"Feelin' like turning into bacon today Techno?"

"Suuure," he smirked, "when you have a house."

"I told you I have a-!" Dream sat up abruptly but stopped when he heard a wood snap.

Both of them immediately stood up and went into a battle stance, back to back.

His sensitive ears twitching at the slightest of noise, then he heard it. He could hear...buzzing? He felt more uneasy by this, it's not the kind of sound that'll make you think it was just a harmless little bee flying by, no, it's the kind that makes you cringe in annoyance and agitation and there's simply far too loud and many for it to be a simple bee.

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