the drop

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Harsh knocks were heard through the apartment. Bakugou was fuming, you'd been distant with him and Kirishima for weeks now. Yesterday had been a shitty day for everyone, but now you weren't even answering your phone. Both men knew that that wasn't like you at all and were growing steadily more concerned (shown in entirely different ways of course) 

"Oi dumbass, open the door or I'm kicking it down." Bakugou barked at the offensive wood that stood in his way. "Katsuki, calm down. Just give him a few minutes." Kirishima tried to calm his boyfriend down but it wasn't working... at all. "Fuck no! He's been MIA the whole day, he's been avoiding us for weeks and now he's not even answering his phone. I want answers." and with that, the door to your apartment was kicked in. More yells of your name and an assortment of profanities fell on deaf ears as you sat in the tub, unaware. 

The only evidence that you were even home was the sliver of light illuminating the bottom of the door. "C'mon, if he's in the bathroom we need to make sure he's okay." Now living alone was great, no need for clothes 70% of the time. No other people to annoy you, unlimited hot water and no need to lock doors. Yeah, that last one bit you in the ass. The handle turned slowly and tufts of red hair peaked out from between the wall and door.

"Hey [Name], we're coming in okay?" With the warning in place and enough time given to refuse the question, Bakugou smashed his way into your bathroom. "What the fuck is happening? I know you fucking heard me yelling so why didn't you answer dumbass?" You flinched hard, your eyes felt heavy and your head was full of cotton, you couldn't think let alone answer coherently. "It's okay, I'm sorry. Just wanted a bath. I'm sorry, don't touch me, don't deserve it.'' The last sentence made them freeze in their place. You were sitting with your legs pulled up to your chest and head placed on them with your arms secured around your shins. Sitting there you looked scared, lost and almost like a small frightened child but they knew that something was seriously wrong. From there they could see it, burns. Your wrists were covered in rope burns as well as the severe bruising that littered your entire body but was mostly focused on your neck. "Well that sure as shit didn't come from patrol." Bakugou mumbled, still in shock at the sight in front of him. "Oh god [Name], what did you do?" Your eyes filled with tears at the disappointed tone that carried Kirishima's words. Bakugou couldn't move, he knew exactly what this was. Being an experienced dom alongside his boyfriend, it was clear what had happened.

"Okay Kats, he's obviously stuck, I'm gonna get in the bath with him and wash him. Can you set up his room please? We'll help him ride it out." Kirishima asked softly, not wanting to scare you anymore than you already were... After all this was over you three would need to have a serious talk. "Okay [Name], I'm gonna get in the tub with you okay? Can you scooch forward for me?" Kirishima's voice was like a comforting blanket that wrapped around you. It was instinctive but you immediately regretted the quiet "Yes, Sir" that slipped out. Eijirou could see the battle going on in your mind, so he decided to help you.

"That's okay. You can call me Sir or Eijirou or whatever you'd like, okay?" Once again you gave the same answer as before. Satisfied, he began to lather up your sore body, all whilst telling you how good you are being and how proud of you he was. "[Name], me and Katsuki are gonna put you back under-" His words immediately burst your bubble of calm and comfort. Your brain was going haywire and you started struggling in his grip. A constant stream of 'no!'s pouring from your lips as tears welled up in your eyes once again. You didn't wanna burden either of them but you also didn't wanna let them into such a private part of your life. "Yes [Name]. We know what we're doing and you can trust us. We're going to put you back under and bring you out gently. Nice and calm. We're going to do this the proper way." Eijirou felt a tiny bit guilty for using his 'dom-voice' on you, but you clearly needed it. "Okay." You somehow weren't that scared, you trusted Kirishima and Bakugou with your life and if Kirishima said he knew what he was doing... well you'd trust him. 

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