shattered hearts

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With breakfast sizzling away, you placed yourself in one of the chairs at the bench. Watching Katsuki cook was almost mesmerizing, the way he knew exactly where to go, what to add and how to cook it, it was incredible. He never once looked at a recipe book or asked you where things were, he just knew. 

As if sensing your eyes on him with a smile in his voice the blond said "Oi dumbass. You gonna stop staring at any point?" You chuckled and looked toward his redhead boyfriend who was coming back in from a warm shower.
"Feel better?" He smiled warmly at you and nodded.
"Food's up. Come and get it."
There was an array of sausages, pancakes, eggs and other breakfast items. You normally didn't eat breakfast, but you had a feeling that this one wasn't optional.

One thing was still confusing you though.
"Uh, Katsuki?" He gave an affirmative hum "Where did you get all this stuff to make breakfast? Cause I definitely didn't have it." You tried to laugh off your poor eating habits, but the glare sent your way let you know that it was not appreciated.
"Yeah. We're gonna talk about the lack of food later, but I went to the store and stocked up." Your heart leapt to your throat. You had a feeling that your 'talk' was not going to be a fun one to have. Moving your chair back, you got up and ran to your room. Dashing for your money, you pulled out the $50 you guessed that it cost to buy the groceries. Walking back into your kitchen, both pro-heroes eyes were on you as you retook your seat.
"Here, for the food." You thrusted the money into the blond's hands awkwardly.
"I said no. You don't need to repay me. Especially not for something like food." He explained calmly, placing the money back down in front of you. You were speechless. No one had ever done something so kind without wanting something in return. Surely they weren't just doing it because they liked you and to be kind. Right?

God you were so confused.

"Look [Name], it's obvious people haven't been the nicest to you. But I swear to you, we aren't trying to trick you or do it to gain leverage over you. And we most certainly don't want anything in return. We're doing it because we want to and because we like you. We want you to be happy so we don't mind doing this, at all. It's okay." God were you that easy to read?
"Okay. Thank you." You genuinely meant it too. You were so thankful for everything they'd done and that both of them had helped you so much already and it seemed like they'd be continuing to.

Some hours later, you three were sitting on three chairs in your living room. Kirishima and Bakugou sat side by side and you were positioned opposite them.
'Oh god, this is like a fucking interrogation...' you thought bitterly.
"Okay, so... who's going first?" You broke the awkward silence and they both took deep breaths.
Bakugou asked uncharacteristically softly, "Why didn't you just talk to us?" You chuckled humorlessly.
"Because I didn't want anyone to know. I didn't wanna have to do this, this awkward conversation. The disappointed and pitying glances. The fake care. I didn't, don't want any of it." You spoke truthfully. You weren't gonna lie, there was no point anymore.
They both knew it too.

"Look [Name]. We get that you've been hurt, whether it was a long time ago or recent, that doesn't matter. Katsuki and I like you, a lot. Hell, we might even be in love with you. We don't care if you're 'broken', damaged or anything of the sort, we still want you. You can deny it and say that your heart is too broken to be loved, but we will love all of those pieces either together or separately. I mean how could anyone not love such a handsome, cute man like you." Heart pounding against your ribs and cheeks ablaze, you sent him a small smile which he returned full force.
"Alright now that's out of the way. What's with the food or lack thereof, huh?" Ah, straight to the point as always. You didn't wanna lie, but you haven't admitted this to anyone. You barely admitted it to yourself most days.
"Well shit. I, uh, eating for me has never been great. I'm not anorexic or anything but I never really ate a lot as a kid and that kinda carried over. Somedays it's just I'm genuinely too tired to cook, so I'll order take-out or something. But, eating is a kinda sensitive subject thanks to my shitty family™. Anyway, I eat enough to keep more going." You tried to explain it the best you could but you knew it sounded dumb.
"Okay..." Bakugou said skeptically, before his head shot up as he was reminded of all the alcohol you had in your cupboards.
"Okay, but what about the ridiculous amounts of alcohol you have?" A sharp inhale was heard and both boyfriends looked at each other before their gazes snapped over to your tense form.
"Ha, that's... that's a whole nother matter really." You took a deep breath, steading yourself before continuing.
"As you've guessed my life wasn't, isn't, the best." You huffed a tired laugh "And most days it takes all I have just to keep up my fake appearance. Then I come home, crack a bottle and drink until i'm dumb, well more than I normally am anyway. And before you say anything I know, I know it's not healthy but... it's basically all I can do to stop me from killing myself." Tears sprung to your eyes as you let out one of your deepest secrets.

Not many people knew about the fake facade you put up and even fewer knew the depths that the self hatred and depression truly reached.
"I- god [Name], can I touch you?" With a nod given, both men pulled you into a bone crushingly tight hug. Not that you minded one bit.
You rarely got affection so you relished in it while you could.
The three of you were wrapped around each other. You fell to your knees, bringing the other two down with you as tears poured down your face. Your heart felt as though it had been ripped out of your chest while simultaneously being held in the most precious, gentle hands.
"I'm so sorry we didn't try to see how you truly felt beneath the surface." That only made the tears stream down your face harder.

As odd as it was, you felt safe. You felt protected and you poured your heart out to these men in sobs. From your shitty childhood, to the drinking, the mountain of trauma and mostly to your love for them and how bad you felt about it.
A while passed before the tears stopped. Your head was pounding and your eyelids were slowly fluttering closed.

The last thing you remembered was grabbing onto someone's sweatshirt and mumbling "please stay" and getting a reply of "I'll stay forever if you let me"

yeah, sorry this was kinda late, life is a bitch but enjoy :)

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