stay forever.

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"He's out. I'm gonna carry him to bed but we need to talk about everything." Bakugou grunted as he lifted your limp body up. He gently pulled back the covers before ever so lightly placing you onto the mattress. You stirred, leaning over and latching a hand into his sweatshirt.
"Please stay" He heard you mumble tiredly. Bending down and placing a kiss to your forehead he responded "I'll stay forever if you let me." With that you slipped fully into unconsciousness. Despite his promise, Bakugou walked out and went to sit with his boyfriend. Both of them reassured you that you were sleeping soundly, safe while they were there to protect you. A look of understanding passed through the two as they went to lay down on your couch together.

"Well that was certainly something." Kirishima broke the silence carefully, knowing that his boyfriend's mind was running rampant after all that you'd spilt to them.
"Shit Ei. I mean Jesus christ. All that time and we had no idea that he was going through all that. How did I not see it? Did I not pay enough attention?" Katsuki, like always, was already blaming himself. Eijirou knew that he'd spiral if he didn't put a stop to it, but how could he when he felt so guilty too?
"Kat, baby look at me. It's not your fault. We couldn't have known. [Name] kept it well hidden and he clearly didn't want us to find out. Don't blame yourself, we'll talk again tomorrow and get out all our thoughts, feelings and concerns, etc. But for now, we need to sleep." The redhead ended with a yawn. All 3 of your minds were war zones but you'd figure it out.
"I don't know if I can leave him on his own again. I just can't fucking shake the thought that if we do, shit's just gonna go back to how it was and we'll be in the fucking dark again." Katsuki voiced to his tired lover. He knew that you'd regret saying everything you did today, that you'd shut down and pretend like you were fine again but Bakugou wouldn't, couldn't let that happen again. During your broken ramblings you had told both of them that you felt incredibly guilty and wrong about loving them. Said men were determined to change that.
"We gotta let him know that how he feels is okay. That he's allowed to love us, that we want him too, but most importantly that we're here to help and that he's allowed to struggle." The hardening hero explained quietly. They both agreed.

Sleep didn't come easily to the blond, his mind was a jungle. He felt guilty and happy and sad, and just too many things in all honesty.
Ever since you had joined his agency, he had seen you.
He didn't know it back then, but he had a thing for you from the moment you stepped through the door. You were smart and sassy, you could hold your own fairly easily, and you were kind. You were independent, sometimes a bit too independent, but he loved that about you. He wanted to show you just how much you meant to everyone. Honestly, Kirishima felt the same way, you fit perfectly with them.
You three had grown inseparable through the years of working at the Ground Zero Agency, the three musketeers you were. (let's pretend that there aren't actually 4 of them)
And he loved it, loved seeing you smile, hearing your laugh, just being able to talk to you. You were one of the few highlights of both their days and they had spent countless hours discussing and daydreaming about what it would be like to love you, to have you as theirs and get to wake up and immediately see your stunning face. But Katsuki felt there was a small problem.
"Hey, Ei?"
"Yeah, lovely?"
"Please don't think that I don't love you anymore or that I'm choosing him over you, because that's not true. I love both of you equally, and I don't want you to feel neglected or left out, it's just that [Name] has a lot of issues and I think we should put him first for a bit, just to make sure that he's okay." the blond sighed, a good chunk of weight left his shoulders after confessing all of that to his lover.
"No, trust me. I totally get it, and I wasn't mad or left out because the same goes for you. We just need to help him while also making sure that we're taking care of ourselves. And that's what these talks are good for, just clearing the air and any miscommunications are dealt with properly." A warm smile spread across the red head's face as Katsuki leaned up. They shared a kiss that conveyed all of their unspoken gratitude and love for one another. A kiss that let both men rest a little easier.

After their talk, the two pro heroes climbed into your warm bed. As if sensing them, you instantly snuggled towards one of the heat sources. Tiredly latching onto an arm and refusing to budge an inch. Soft smiles fell on the boyfriend's faces as they realised how peaceful; and happy you looked. Just like a little kitten. Eyelids drooping, a cuddle pile in process and little cares on the mind, the three of you feel asleep wrapped up in each other's arms and Bakugou couldn't help but imagine this happening for the rest of his life.

there's part 4 :) enjoy

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