Chapter 2

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It was a little over a week later, September 13th. Marie had decided her feelings for Alice. She texted her after school, since she really wanted to talk to Alice. She had been doing this lately, and it's been working out.
Marie: heyy
It took Alice less than a minute to respond. Alice had soccer practice in a few minutes, and she wanted to talk to Marie for at least just a little bit.
Alice: hi
Marie: how are you?
Marie occasionally asked her this, to make sure her friend was okay. Most of the time Alice had the same answer
Alice: pretty good
Today, Alice and Marie actually had something to talk about.
Alice: when I was waiting at the field for my bro a high school boy kissed me on the cheek, but he wasn't even cute ugh
Marie: wow that's so sad
Alice: xD shut up
Marie: Cameron talked to me today, the conversation was at least 5 minutes long :D
Cameron. She was Marie's crush. While Marie was 15, Cameron was 16. She was also the leader of the "emo group" at her school. Alice didn't like when Marie talked about her, she just gets a burning feeling when she does. That was what confused Alice. Why didn't she like Cameron?
Alice: good for you
Marie: thanks lol, I also got a hug ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jealousy was what Alice was feeling. Maybe it was because she really wanted to hug Marie (best friends hug right?) or maybe it was because Marie hugged Cameron and not her. Alice tried to play it cool, but she had to leave for soccer practice.
Alice: I gotta go to practice now. Sorry bae, I'll talk to you after
Marie: aw bye
No I love you? Alice thought. It kinda annoyed her when she didn't say it, and just said bye instead.
Alice: bitch xD ugh I love you
Marie I love you too xD
Alice got driven to soccer practice. She couldn't stop thinking though. She thought about what Marie had told her earlier, and how it made her jealous. Why did it make her jealous though. Alice was straight, right?
Alice was talking to her friend, Leigh, for a few minutes after practice, but Alice was hardly listening. Her thoughts were all over the place, but they all were focused on the same thing. Marie. "And then I said... hey, are you even listening?" her friend asked. Alice was awoken from her swooning. "Oh,uh, yeah of course I was..." She lied. Even after this, she still wasn't listening to Leigh, she couldn't. Lucky for Alice, her mother pulled up. "Oh, look. Sorry, I gotta go," she quickly said. She ran to her car as Leigh called out, "Well bye then... I guess."
As soon as Alice got home, she texted Marie.
Alice: I'm back
Marie: yay
She decided not to text Marie though, and called her instead, on FaceTime. C'mon, answer, she thought. Finally, Marie accepted the call. "Well hey there," she said. They hadn't really done this before. "Hi," Marie answered. As a nerd, she didn't talk much and mumbled when she did. This is why she questioned whether she should answer Alice's call or not. But she did anyways. "God you're so quiet," she told Marie. "I know, I don't talk much." Marie hadn't even been showing her face. Alice had though, and her friend was surely taking advantage. Marie couldn't stop staring at her through the screen. "Okay, wanna hear a funny story?" she asked. "Sure," Marie mumbled. Alice told her story of an incident that had happened at school. As Alice had said, the story was funny, so it got Marie to laugh. A lot. Alice decided to shoot her a text.
Alice: your voice and your laugh is adorable wtf
This really got Marie to smile, even though Marie hardly believed it, because she was convinced everything about her was awful.
Marie: nah, but thanks tho
After 2 hours of talking, it was Marie that decided to go to bed. It was only 8, but that was her bedtime (nerd lol). "I'm gonna go to sleep now, Alice." "But it's early over there," she complained. "Yeah but it's late over there, you should go to bed, too. Pleeease? For me?" Alice couldn't argue with Marie, so she just said, "Ugh fine, I'll go to bed." "Good." Then the call went silent. "I love you," they both said at the same time. They both laughed and laughed. "Who's gonna say it first?" Marie asked as she giggled. "I will, I love you Marie," she said truthfully. "I love you too Alice. Bye." They hung up, and tried to sleep, but they were too busy thinking about each other. They both tried to text each other at the same time. When they had seen that the other was typing, they stopped and turned off their phones. Alice fell asleep quickly, but Marie was ready. Ready to confess.
Marie: You're so cute ya know?
Marie: I wish you could be here with me :/
Marie: I really love you, and you're my best friend
Then Marie sent one final text.

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