CHAPTER 4.1 | Takanashi Kiara

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By the time we got past the wooden gate of the Village, we continued our way in.
I'm still peeking from the front of the carriage since I wanted to see what the inside looked like, Kitty is also below me but she's not that close to my body since she's still shy..

Inside the Village, I see houses or just buildings. Some have 2nd floors and some are just ground floors.
I also noticed some kind of food places, I saw a glimpse of 3 tables inside of a specific building through the window.
Although, I'm not sure if it's really a food place.

The Villagers also noticed the carriage, and since Steven, their chief, is the one that's riding the horse and carrying the carriage. The Villagers greeted Steven with welcome back, while Steven just waved his hand and thanked them.

"Chief!, how was your vacation?", a Villager asked.

"It was okay, we were able to relax like you guys wanted.", Steven replied.

'Like you guys wanted'?, does that mean that the Villagers wanted them to relax?
Perhaps Steven worked hard everyday and the Villagers realized that he needed rest, so that's why it concluded to him and his family to go out for a vacation.

We continued our way, while Steven greeted and thanked the Villagers for welcoming them with warmth and smiles.
While I was just peeking at the open cloth at the front of the carriage, I guess my position is enough because they weren't able to see me..

After a couple of minutes, we finally arrived at our destination. And that destination, is Steven's house which is located at the upper left side of the Village, if you look at it from a bird's eye view perspective.

We all got off from the carriage, although I hesitated to get out because I don't want to get noticed.
Steven told me that it's fine for me to come out since I'm already a Guest of this Village. Even though the Villagers have yet to know that..

After I got off from the carriage, I looked at my surroundings and saw some Villagers looking at our way. And as I continued to scan my surroundings, I noticed a big house with some kind of symbol at the top.

"Hey, Steven?", I asked Steven in a signal to come to me.

"What is it, Kiara?", he replied.

"What's that big house with a fire symbol at the top?"

"Ahh, that.. That's our Town Hall."

"Town Hall?"

"A Town Hall is basically the center or the main house of the entire Village, that's also where we held our meetings or discuss some short but important stuff."

"I see.."

They're really amazing huh..
They have a wall that's protecting them, Guards to protect and save them, and also the Town Hall..
But I wonder, if someone gets injured or hurt, who's the doctor?

"If someone gets hurt or like.. get injured? Who's the doctor?", I asked Steven.

"Oh, the doctor? That's Mike's job..", Steven replied.


Mike's the doctor? How? I didn't expect that answer..

"That pause.. You're surprised that he's the doctor aren't you?", he teased me.

"Y-Yeah.. I am surprised by what you just told me.."

"Well, Mike may not look like it.. But he's a smart guy, he helps people who are sick or even hurt because of a graze."


I'm speechless, I didn't know Mike is like that..

"Oh, by the way. Mike is also my personal assistant, although he often calls me chief. But, I'm okay with that.", he explained.

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