29. time is ticking

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[ tw: various 'torture' methods used, including nudity to cause humiliation, but i want to emphasise it DOES NOT lead to sexual assault/rape, however if this is triggering to you, please don't read this chapter. If you drop a comment i'll be happy to summarise it for you or something <3 ]

Angeline's hands were trembling from where they were tied behind her back. To say she was scared would be an understatement - she was fucking terrified. Yet, pursing her lips together, the brunette girl did her best to act as though she wasn't. She'd grown up doing this in front of her manipulative asshole of a father and had gotten pretty good at it, but this was different. It was a whole other ball game.

Williams looked exactly as he did the last time Angeline had seen him when he'd approached her at the front gate of her father's home. Greying hair, and the iciest of eyes that Angeline had ever seen in her entire life. It was extremely difficult not to be intimidated. Even dressed in a suit with his hair styled to perfection, Mr Williams looked slightly rough around the edges. Like she didn't want to mess with him.

He crouched down beside her head, causing her cheeks to blaze with embarrassment. She was still on the floor from where Darcy had knocked her down, and she couldn't move an inch, her limbs tied to the seat.

Williams gave a tut. "Bruises already, Angeline," he said, "I see you haven't been cooperating very well with my daughter. I thought an old face might have made you feel a little more comfortable."

Angeline bit down on her tongue. Don't say anything, don't say anything.

"Well?" Williams huffed, "You seemed rather talkative when it was just the two of you in the room. Has a cat got your tongue now, Angeline?"

Still, the teenage girl said nothing.

"Or should I call you Angel instead, maybe? That's what your friends call you, isn't it?" Williams said as he stood up, walking around her.

Angeline was tense, her entire body stiff. She could hear his voice and his footsteps stop right behind her, but she couldn't see him. Her face held a permanent flinch, terrified that she would earn a kick to the back of the head or something even harsher to her back.

"Come on, Angel. We don't have all day," Williams said, "And I really don't want to have to get violent with you, but I will if need be. The fact that you are a teenage girl will not faze me, I hope you don't think of it as an advantage on your behalf."

Angeline gritted her teeth. It was getting harder and harder for her not to say anything. All she wanted to do was lash out at this man.

"Let me get you off of that ground. Maybe then you'll feel more... comfortable to communicate with me."

She heard a snap of the fingers and flinched hard. For a split second, Angeline had thought it was the clicking of a gun. Instead, two men stepped forwards, hands gripping either side of the chair and effortlessly lifting it so that she was sat upright again. Angeline grimaced at the pain in her head and her ribs from where Darcy had hurt her.

Angeline saw the blonde woman standing a few feet away, her arms folded across her chest as she leaned against one of the walls, just watching.

"Mila, would you say I have been treating Angeline fairly so far?" Williams asked.

Angeline almost forgot Darcy's real name. It was hard for her to refer to her as Mila in her head now.

The blonde nodded. "Very fairly, father. Perhaps too much so."

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