¹⁴ meet me in the pouring rain

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IT'S THE FIRST rehearsal, and to be honest, I'm more excited than usual. I know that sounds weird, but I have a part, and I'm with my boyfriend, and I'm doing what I love.

"Okay! We're going to do a quick read-through, so everyone grab a script from up at this desk, and a pencil."

Once we all have a script and we're all sat down she claps once.

"Okay! We need Ricky and Ashlyn for this first scene."

They both walk up to the middle of the room, where Miss Jenn stands. They stand there awkwardly, holding their scripts.

"You can start whenever, Ashlyn," Miss Jenn adds, and she nods. She looks like she zoned out for the last ten minutes.

I don't blame her. The first rehearsal always goes on forever.


I lay on my bed, alone, and it's pouring down rain outside. I can hear it drop onto my roof, and it's honestly comforting.

My phone buzzes, so I open it. I smile when I see who it's from.

my juliet <3


I blush and roll over on my side.

hi sweet one

I remember him telling me he loved being called sweet one.


I love being called sweet one.

It's weird, it's like something a grandma would call a dog. But he just called me it one day and I came very, very close to passing out.

And I came even closer to passing out when he just called me it again thirty seconds ago.


sit up and walk down the stairs, still holding my phone in my hand, and it's open to me and Seb's conversation. I'm still smiling when I sit down on the couch in the living room. I only put my phone for one second until it buzzes again.

my juliet <3

i'm outside your house.


I push the curtains to the side and look out the window. He's standing there, next to his mom's car, in the rain. I quickly run out the door to him, getting soaked in literally two seconds.

"Seb! What are you doing here? We just saw each other at rehearsal!"

"I wanted to experience something romantic," he frowns. His face lights up, and he smiles. "I got my license by the way!" He holds up a car key.

"Seb! Great job!" I hug him, and don't pull away. "Now I don't need to drive you everywhere."

"No, you still will. I barely trust myself to drive." We pull away from the hug, and we're both soaked from the rain. He puts out one hand. "May I have this dance?"

"Seb, what are you doing?" I laugh, but I still grab his hand. The rain is coming down slightly lighter now, and it's more peaceful.

We attempt to waltz, but when we both fail at where to put our arms, I just put my arms on his shoulders, and his hands grab my waist. He's laughing, and so am I, and I inch closer to him and put my head on his shoulder.

𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔 , seblos (hsmtmts)Where stories live. Discover now