Chapter Three

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"So...what did your Mom say about this weekend?" Abi spoke as she brushed out her wet, blonde hair. I looked at my friend through my iPad screen. Her make-up was gone and her long sleeve, black over-sized t-shirt hung off one shoulder.

"What do you think she said?" I asked. Abi sat her purple Revlon brush on the makeup counter in front of her.

"Um...yes?" She replied. I nodded as she picked her hair dryer up out of the floor and plugged it into the outlet behind her Laptop. I knew the rutine, no talking until she was done drying her hair. She doesnt want to miss a word of anything i have to say. Which surprises me because I'm not that interesting.

"One second." She said before the roar of the hair dryer was all you could hear. I sat back in my computer chair and watched her flip her hair around making sure every strand was dry. My phone buzzed beside me. An email had just come thorugh from my new english teacher.

"It's only the first day!" I mummbled to myself as I pulled up my email.

To: Ms. Emily Jones

From: Mrs. Earlyweather

Hi darling, I know we've only had one day of school but I'd like to offer you a role in helping kids learn a little better. I've talked to Mrs. Ogle, your english teacher from last year. She said you're an exceptional student. I also heard that your strong point is english. Meet me and Mrs. Ogle in my classroom before first connection!

                                                        Sincerely, Mrs. Earlyweather

I replied somewhat instantly. I wasn't sure what I was getting into but, I wanted to know what they wanted with me. 

To: Mrs. Earlyweather

From: Emily Jones.

Mrs. Earlyweather, I hope you don't mind me asking but, what exactly am I meeting you and Mrs. Ogle for?

                Sincerely, Emily Jones

I clicked send and sighed heavily. What am I getting myself into?

"Emily?" Abi asked with frustration in her voice.

"Sorry! What?" I asked, placing my phone on my desk beside my iPad.

"Whats up? You just completely zoned out!" She asked/giggled. Normal I would have rolled my eyes at the fact that she finds it funny when i zone out, but right now I was too focused on what was happening. 

"I got an email from Mrs. Earlyweather. She wants me to meet her and Mrs.Ogle in her room before first connection tomorrow. Something about wanting me to help kids study better." I said, still running everything through my head. Abi looked at me a little confused. Her blonde hair now dry and in a tight side braid. I watched her aply an acne treatment to her face and sit back in her chair. The cream was spread all over her face: leaving her normally white face a shade of light pink.

"What do you think is gonna happen?" She finally asked. I shrugged. I had heard about a tutoring program that some of the teachers were starting, but I didnt think that they would want students for tutors as well. Abi's ten minute timer went off shortly after. She rolled up her sleeves and leaned over the counter with a baby wipe in her right hand. She wiped the acne cream off her face gently and dried her face with a dark purple towel. I glanced over at the photo collage of us on her wall. I couldnt see many, but I recognized most.

Abi's door creaked open slowly as her Mom stuck her head into the door.

"10:30, Dear. Time for bed." She coed. Abi sighed.

"Alright." She grumbled. She reached a hand to her laptop and our Skype call ended. I plugged my phone and iPad up to charge and crawled into my full size bed. I curled up to my stuffed koala and drifted to sleep almost instantly. 

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