Chapter Seven

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"Honey, get up! Time for school." My Mom said as she entered my room. I rolled over and pushed my glasses onto my face. I blinked a few times before stumbling out of bed.

"Get ready." She said, before walking back to her room. I sighed and made way to my bathroom. I flipped on the lightswitch and pulled my hair down from its messy ponytail. I brushed my hair and teeth before heading back to my bedroom. I slipped into dark skinny jeans and a white shirt that read, "I wish I was me." Abi got the shirt for me on my birthday. It means a lot because I used to say that I wasn't myself and I so wished I was.

"Emily, have you eaten breakfast yet?" My Mom yelled from the kitchen.

"No and I'm not hungry." I called back. I pulled my contact case out of my vanity drawer and unscrewed the little cap. I pulled my glasses off and carefully placed the contact in my eye, then reached for the second.

"You need to eat." My Mom said walking into my room. I placed the small contact in my eye and blinked a few times.

"Mom, I'll be fine 'till lunch." I said turning aorund. She sighed and walked out of my room again.

After doing my make-up, I slipped on my black converse and tied them before grabbing my iPhone and bookbag and walking out of my room. My phone buzzed in my hand.

"Outside." It read. My next door neighbor went to Rosemary Highschool. He offers to drive me to school from time to time. I sighed.

"Bye Mom." I called.

"Bye." She called back. "Have fun."

"I'll try." I said as I made my way out the front door and down the porch steps.

I saw Treavor, my sixteen year old neighbor, parked in my driveway. The car was running when I walked up to the passenger door of his Mom's black Honda Civic.. A blonde haired girl sat in the front seat next to Treavor. I rolled my eyes and got in the back.

"THIS? This is what we had to pick up before school?" The blonde snapped at Treavor. I saw him roll his eyes.

"I offered to drive her to school a few days a week." He said with annoyance in his voice.

"Why? Look at her! She's..." She paused and turned around to face me. "Ugly." The blonde snapped. I felt tears well in my eyes. I looked down at my lap and blinked them away.

"Brianna, stop." Treavor ordered before pulling out of my driveway. Brianna huffed and continued to stare at me.

"How old are you?" She asked.

"Fourteen." I mumbled.

"OH! She's shy too!" Brianna laughed. I could literally feel my stomach curl as past memories flooded into my mind. Her laugh sickened me, a small tear rolled down my face and hit my wrist.

"Aww! Is she crying now?" She mocked. I gulped and kept my head hung low. Treavor didn't say anything. He pulled off my road and onto a road I wasn't familair with.

"Treavor, where are you going?" Brianna asked.

"I'm taking you home, now shut up and sit still." He said sternly. My eyes widened. Treavor had never talked to anyone like that before. He had always been a sweet person, that cared about pretty much everything. He usually stayed quiet. We pulled into a small driveway. The house attached to it was a beige color with little bushes growing under the windows on the side of the house.

"I'm not getting out." Brianna argued.

"Brianna, get out of the damn car." He said sternly. I gasped before he could continue. "If you don't get out willingly I will personally drag you out of this car and leave you on the front porch." He stated. I looked up at him with wide eyes. Brianna sat still with her arms crossed in front of her.

"I'm sorry." Treavor mumbled as he got out of the car and walked around to Brianna's side of the car. He opened the door and reached over Brianna's lap and unbuckled her seat belt. He picked her up with ease and drug her out of the car. She sat still as Treavor carried her to the door of her house and set her down. She didn't move or ague or complain. Treavor walked back to the car and got in.

"You can sit up front if you'd like." He smiled back at me. I opened my car door and got out of the car. I seated myself in the passenger seat before closing the door and looking at Treavor.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"My ex-girlfriend." He sighed, backing out of the driveway.

"Oh." I said lightly. "Do you think she's right?" I asked. Treavor looked over at me and then back at the road.

"Don't listen to her. She's insane. She was admitted to a mental institute three months ago, but they let her go when her Mom agreed to sleep with the guards." He explained. I nodded slightly.The car fell silent. I looked down at my lap and played with the hem of my t-shirt. The car ride began to get bumpy. I looked up just as the car stopped.

"What happened?" I asked looking over at Treavor. We where on our normal route to school, this had never happened before.

"I'm not sure. I think the car broke down." He said, siting back in his chair."Do you mind calling my uncle while I check out the car to see if I can find what's wrong?" He asked.

"No." I said sweetly.

"Thanks. The number is in the dash." He said before he stepped out of the car. His uncle was a mechanic, and he also owned a tow truck. Treavor was told that if the car ever broke down to call him.

I dialled the number and waited for him to answer.

"Hello?" A mans voice spoke through the phone.

"Hey, Mike. This is Emily, Treavor's next door neighbor. His car broke down."

"Oh, hey Emily! What road?" He asked.

"Dewspond." I answered looking at the street sign.

"Alrighty. Be there in twenty." He said before the line went dead. I stepped out of the car into the dew covered grass. I joined my blonde haired neighbor at the front of the car.

"Twenty minutes." I sighed.

"Great, we'll be late for school." Treavor sighed.

"Have you found anything?" I asked.

"Nope." He replied.

"Do you have any idea what might have happened?" I asked,

"Not yet, find out when my uncle gets here." He answered. I nodded.

"You should probably call your Mom and let her know what happened." He said. I nodded and began to dial my Mom's number.

"Hey. Mom." I spoke. "Treavor's car broke down, we're waiting on his uncle to get here. I'll probably get to school late." I added.

"Where are you? Are you okay? Do you need anything?" She asked panicked.

"I'm fine. I don't needanything. We're on Dewspond."

"Oh, ok, good. Since you're that close to the house, walk home and find you both something to eat and drink. Get to school as soon as you can. If you can't, that's okay too." She said.

"Wow, okay. Love you, bye." I answered, shocked.

"Love you too, bye." My Mom replied.

"Treavor! My Mom said we could go back to my house and get something to eat and drink. Just relax for the day. Do you think your parents are okay with that?" I asked.

"They won't care." He mumbled.

"Why?" I asked gently. He shook his head.

"I'll explain later." He answered as he hung his head low. He tugged at the sleeves of his long sleeve t-shirt. I then began to realize. I've never seen him in anything other than long sleeve t-shirts and jeans.

"Treavor, whats wrong?" I asked. He ran his hands through his blonde hair before shaking his head.

"Nothing." Was all he said.

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