Chapter Four

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I carefully made my way up the stairs to the second story of Rosemary middle. I glanced down from the balcony to see the sixth graders scurrying around to get to class before the bell rang. I sighed as I made my way to my homeroom. Abi was talking to Dylan when I appraoched the doorway. I could feel my face turn pink. I shyly snuck to the back of the room and sat down with Abi: who immediately stopped talking to Dylan to talk to me.

"Hey Em!" She smiled.

"Hey Abi." I somewhat whispered to her as I sat down. Something inside of me kept telling me to turn and look at him, but i couldnt do it. Mr. Bowman spoke loudly as he walked to the front of the room.

"How many of you were signed up for tutoring classes for this nine weeks?" He asked. Many students raised their hand, but the one that stung a little was Dylan. His hand was half way in the air, but his head hung low. LIke he was nervous or scared.

"When the bell rings you all will report to Mrs. Earlyweathers room." He stated. The kids with raised hands, laid their hands back down on their desk. Moments later the bell rang and kids swarmed out of the doorway. Me and Abi stayed behind and waited for every kid to leave before we departed from the room.

"Wish me luck." I sighed as we came to my destination.

"Good luck!" She smiled before walking off. I entered Mrs. Earlyweathers room to see a dozen or so kids sitting in desks.

"Oh, good you're here!" She coed. "All we have to do is wait on Mrs. Ogle!" I swear it was planned because as soon as she said that Mrs. Ogle came walking through the door.

"Good morning everyone!" Mrs. Ogle cheered as she made her to the podium in front of the smartboard. She stopped to hug me before taking her place behind the podium. Mrs. Earlyweather stood next to me: smiling from ear to ear.

"Welcome to your first tutor meeting! Most of you will be tutored by the teacher we have assigned to you. Only three of you will be tutored by Mrs. Emily Jones." Mrs. Ogle cheerful voice sang as she announced the idea of this group. A few kids smirked because they knew how quiet i was. I could feel my hands begin to shake and face turning pink. I looked down at the floor and tried not to focus on the fact that evryone was starring at me.

"When i call your name you will be in Mr. Dawsons study group." Mrs. Earlyweather smiled. Mr. Dawson was a math teacher so I figured they need  a lot of help in math because he's pretty stict. She called off a series of four or five names and they lined up at the door. Mrs. Earlyweather directed them to Mr. Dawsons room where they would meet and talk to him about his tutoring methods. She did the same thing with her group and Mrs. Cacie, the librarians, group.

"Ok, so the next people I call will be in Ms. Emily Jones group." She smiled before she looked up. Her smiled faded causing me to look out amongst the seats. Dylan was the only one left.

"It seems like they have taken a few students off my list so, Emily you'll be tutoring Dylan. The two of you can head to the library to talk about what Dylan needs help with." Mrs. Earlyweather smiled looking my way. She handed me a packet labeled "DYLAN". I smiled at her but i was still confused. Dyan stood and threw his red and black duffle bag on his shoulder.

"This contains every thing he needs help on, test reveiws and homework for the next two weeks." She whispered. I nodded. "Ok! You two head down to the media center." She coed beforing leading us to the door. The walk to the media center was exhaustingly silent and awkard. I clutched the yelow envelope of papers in my left hand and gripped my yellow mechanical pencil tightly in my right hand.

When we reached the library Dylan stepped in front of me to open the door. I sighed as Ilooked at him. He was so much taller than me! I walked through the door as I whispered a slight "Thank you" He replied sweetly with "You're welcome" and followed behind me as I walked to the table in the back corner of the library.The wood table reminded me of an old dinning room table and I sort of like the feel of the rough wood edges. Dylan took a seat on the outside edge of the table so, I sat across from him in the corner of the room.

He smiled at me and I felt myself go weak.

" does this work?" He asked. My head ducked down and i sat starring at desk: pretending i was going through his papers. My mouth got dry and i started to sweat.

"I'm not sure. I just found out i was doing this when I walked into Mrs. Earlyweathers room." I finally replied. I'm still trying to figure this out myself.

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