The Egyptian-Algerian war

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Egypt pov
Me and Sudan are worried about the Algerian Empire so we demanded they release Tunisa... Algerian Empire refuses so I declare war along with Sudan with us losing small lands but holding a day after. They used their airforce to attack my airspace with an airforce attacking Sudan.

Algerian Empire pov
I got support from Vietnamese Empire but I told them to send 1 division until I say I need more aid as I drop paratroopers behind the front and we sandwich Egyptian troops and began to heavily push into Egyptian lands as they stop us from taking Cairo just barely as I took Sudanese lands nearly taking over the Sudan capital but they stopped me so I got my forces to push into the capitals as I land a naval invasion into the Suez and began to push into Cairo from the other side. I smirked as Cairo fell with Egypt sueing for peace.

Sudan pov
I groaned as Egypt fell and the north of my country began to quickly fall with me sueing for peace.... I hope I will be given mercy for not losing all of my land.

Treaty of Algeirs
- Suez is taken over by Algerian Empire
- Cairo is occupied by Algerian Empire for 30 years
- Egypt must pay Algerian Empire 200,000 war reparations

- Becomes a puppet of Algerian Empire
- Must pay 100,000 to Algerian Empire

No one pov
Egypt, Algerian Empire, and Sudan stare at the treaty as they sign it

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