Chapter 8: Are you sure?

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The rain keeps coming, every hour filled with the sound of thunder and raindrops- nature's way of matching my mood. Riley has been trying to text me the last few days, but I find ways to blow her off or ignore them. I don't want to talk to her right now. I know if I keep letting her get close, I will get hurt more than I already feel.

Mickey's is slow again today, the rain not coaxing anyone to go outside. Macy is the only one with a table, leaving me to watch the clock slowly tick. I get to go home soon. Unfortunately, I lent my car to Amelia because her car is getting repaired, which means that she is supposed to be picking me up, but she hasn't been answering my texts.

Macy walks up to the counter with a grin, "Your special friend is here."

I didn't see her come in. I sigh, "I'm almost off, take her table."

She gives me a confused look, "I thought you'd like to see her? Weren't you two seeing each other?"

I peak my head out far enough to see a gloomy-looking Riley, "Please take it. I want to go home." Macy gives me a slight nod, hesitating to walk back to Riley's table. I make my way into the back to grab my bag and jacket. Checking my texts, Amelia still hasn't answered.

When I get back up front, Riley is standing there waiting for me, "Hey," a small smile on her face.

"Hi," I don't keep eye contact long, moving back to the kitchen window. Grabbing the to-go container out of Tommy's hand, I smile, "Thank you, you are a saint."

Tommy laughs, "It's not like I'm busy doing anything else. Enjoy your food."

Riley is staring me down, clearly wanting to talk to me, "Why are you avoiding me?"

As I go to answer, my phone starts ringing, Amelia's name on the screen, "I'm not. I just have to go." I walk past her and answer my phone, "Finally! I've been trying to get to you for an hour. Are you still picking me up?" I hide from the rain under an umbrella that's covering one of the outside tables.

"I know. There was an accident up ahead, and traffic got backed up badly. I was trying to hurry to get to you, but I've barely moved in the last ten minutes. I don't think I'm going to get there soon," Amelia sounds stressed.

I look at the heavy rain falling all around me, sighing, "I'll figure something out. You owe me, Bennie."

"I will do whatever you'd like! I'm so sorry," She takes a moment to pull away her phone to yell at other cars around her, "That is if I don't commit a crime before the end of today."

"Don't go to jail, please," we both laugh before saying our goodbyes. After we hang up, I let out an annoyed sigh. What am I going to do?

"I can give you a ride," startled, I turn to Riley, who's walked up under the umbrella with me. She was waiting for me to end my call.

"I can wait out the rain. It's fine," I lie.

She looks at me with amusement, "It's supposed to rain for several hours. Just let me take you home real quick."

I should stand my ground and say no to Riley. I want to, but she's right, it's supposed to stay raining this heavily. I can't ask Macy or Tommy for a ride, and Amelia's stuck in traffic. Riley's my only other option besides walking in the rain.

"Okay," I finally agree.

I keep quiet during the drive. From the corner of my eye, I can see Riley frequently taking glances at me. If I look at her, talk to her- I will forget the anger I feel towards her. She was with another girl.

Riley parks in front of my apartment building and unbuckles her seatbelt. I look at her, realizing she's going to walk me up, "I'm fine. I can walk myself." I get out of the car quickly, not giving her enough time to object. I don't get more than a few feet away before I hear the car door shut.

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