Fairy Tail

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Next morning the girls woke up around 9 for breakfast. They were ushered out of their rooms to the dining room to eat. This was where Erza was introduced to the wonder of jam croissants and hot chocolate. After eating, the girls were taken to have another bath, this time a normal one much to the displeasure of the girls, and to brush their teeth. Then it was time to pack Erza's bags. Ms. Spetto brought down a pretty blue suitcase where she put the outfits picked the night prior as well as the nightgown. She made the redhead a small on the road meal that she put in a small black bag with a few jewels, on Layla's request. Erza decided to wear the outfit she had the day prior, but swapped the shiny shoes for a pair of black boots. 

Then it was time to say goodbye. The family of three walked Erza to the carriage that was waiting for her outside. Jude shook her hand again and wished her luck on her quest to become a mage. Layla pat her head softly and told her she was always welcome here. And Lucy hugged her tight. 

"Make sure to write me once you get to Magnolia, ok?" said Lucy, still hugging her friend.

"Of course. Once I find a place to stay, that's the first thing I'm doing." said Erza. She squeezed her friend in one more hug before finally separating. "Thank you very much for your help and kindness. I will not forget all you did for me."

"It was nothing dearie, it was our pleasure to help someone in need." said Layla.

"And who knows, maybe one day we'll end up hiring you for a job." said Jude jokingly.

"If that happens, then I'll do my best to complete it!" said Erza.

"I'm sure you will." said Layla. "Well, I believe you better get going. We don't want you to miss your train."

Lucy and Erza hugged one more time before the redhead entered the carriage. The carriage ride was more of a blur, and next thing she knows Erza is at the train station. She gets down, thanks the person that got her here and buys herself a ticket. Once she's on the train, she looks out of the window as she thinks about yesterday. She really owns a lot to Lucy and her family. If she hadn't shown up yesterday she doesn't know what would have happened.

The train ride is quiet. Erza spends most of her time looking out of the window or reading the book on the history of Requip Magic that Lucy had sneaked into her bags. Once she reaches Magnolia station she gets off the train and starts looking around for the Fairy Tail guild. The town is beautiful with multiple water channels. The buildings are tall and the roads are paved with a golden-yellowish stone. It's lovely in Erza's opinion.

She asks an old lady selling pastries if she knows where the Fairy Tail guildhall is and she pointed north. Erza thanked the woman and made her way to the guild.  She was pretty excited to see the guild Grandpa Rob was once part of. After 15 minutes of walking she comes across an imposing building that seems to be 2 floors tall with each floor being smaller than the one below it. It had 3 banners on the tallest roof, one green, one orange and one blue. The entrance had a sign above it with a stylized heart shape and flanked by a pair of carved fairies with tails. It spelled Fairy Tail with large, shiny blue letters.

She opened the large doors and entered the building. Inside she saw several guild members talking, drinking and overall having a good time. 

"Is this the place Grandpa Rob was talking about?" said Erza to herself once she neared the bar.

"Did you say Rob, young lady?"

Erza turned around and saw a very short old man wearing a white shirt with a black Fairy Tail stamp in the middle under an orange hoodie. He also had an orange and blue striped jester hat on his head. Erza looked at the old man suspiciously before answering.

"Yes, Grandpa Rob was a friend of mine. He told me to come join this guild, since he had been part of it once..."

"Then if you know Rob, might you have any idea where he is?"

Erza bowed her head.  "I'm very sorry...I'm afraid he died in the slave rebellion..."

"A slave rebellion...Hmm." The old man scratched his chin. "Come child, we have much to talk about. Let's go speak privately in my office."

The old man guided Erza to his office. He offered her some tea and then asked her what happened. After the old man introduced himself as Makarov Dreyar, the master of the guild and one of Grandpa Rob's close friends, Erza told him everything. She explained how she met Rob at the Tower of Heaven, a facility constructed to revive Zeref. She told him how people there were kidnaped to help build this tower, how she was picked from her village as a child when the Dark Mages came on a man hunt. Erza explained how she worked at the tower daily as a slave until she started a revolt. She told him everything, from Jellal and his threat, to Grandpa Rob and how he died protecting her. She told him of the kind family that helped her, of Lucy and Ms. Layla who helped her get to Magnolia without expecting anything in return. At the end of her story, she expressed firmly her wish to join the guild.

Makarov merely smiled at the young lady and asked her what color she wants her guild mark. Erza smiled brightly and picked a blue (like Jellal's hair) guildmark on her left arm.

"Now, it's official. Welcome to Fairy Tail Erza Scarlet." said Makarov.

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