Brian and his dangerous selfie stick -.-

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*fanfic of them in present time*

" Australia here we come!" Brian said looking into his phone on the end of the stupid pole Roger hated so dearly.

They were on tour and the bus wasn't all that crowded at the moment since staff were already at the destination. Brian sat at the small fold out table on the side and Roger walked out of the little bedroom placed at the far end of the bus.

" say hello to all the fans roggie!" Brian yelled into the recording camera.

Roger just glared and gave him the finger.

" now over here, this is where we keep the linen" Brian said giving a tour of their bus to his phone. He turned around swinging the stick with him and obliviously nearly took out a near crew man.

"And over this way, is rogers bedroom" Brian swung around again knocking the small curtains off they're racks and making them fly out the window into the traffic.

" Brian!" Roger yelled sticking his head out the window to watch the curtain fly away and cover the front windscreen of a nearby car. Who ever driving now only saw some floral print instead of the road.

" eh, that's gonna cause a problem" Roger muttered to himself.

" ew Roger do you ever clean your room!" Brian yelled gaining the drummers attention.

" what are you doing in my room!? GET OUT!" Roger yelled back.

" no I'm giving our lovely fans a tour!" Brian said tripping over things in the room and asking the camera why Rogers bed was unmade and had some kind of an orange stain right down the middle and half on a nearby pillow.

" Roger you could at least make your damn bed!" He yelled

" why would I do that if I'm only gonna sleep in it again tonight 'mum'!?" Roger was beginning to get very irritated now.

" why do you wipe your ass if your only gonna shit again!?" Brian answered earning a grumble from Roger.

He walked down the hallway to his room to glare at Brian. " Brian get the fuck out and STOP with the stupid stick!" He yelled crossing his arms. "Your acting like a foolish teenager! Your a bloody man! Grow the fuck up!" Roger said sternly.

" oh do be quite Roger " Brian replied swiftly making his way out of the room and knocking a pile of rogers records over everywhere on his way. Brian made his way to his own room and kept on with his 'tour' while Roger cleaned up brians mess. He looked down and saw one of his favourite Beatles records broken in half laying on the floor. He was fuming now and ready to use the selfie stick to stab Brian in the guts. His patience was the like the curtain, out the window and long gone. He stomped over to brians room to find him showing the camera all his framed badger photos and red special.

" Yep, if Brian wouldn't get rid of that thing, he would have a slight technical issue with his red special at tonight's show some how" Roger thought as an evil grin spread across his face and he backed away into the shadows...

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