Chapter 1

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                                                                Jack's Point of View

                                                                        Chapter 1.        

I groaned, I hated waking up early. I looked over at my alarm clock wondering if I could just shoot it? It was 2 am, I had to pack my bags and get ready to leave.

My team and I had a very important case today. We were flying to Colorado. I closed my eyes trying to block out the incesant beeping

A pillow hit me in the face with a thud. 

"Oof." I breathed in, opening my eyes. My wife, Miranda, was glaring at me.

"Turn the bloody thing off" She growled. I sighed and got up, I switched the alarm clock off and got out my suitcase. 

she rolled over and pulled the blanket over her head.

I felt a tug at my heart, It was the same tug that had been present every day for the last few years. Everytime I thought of Miranda my heart ached.

I wanted so desperately to reach out and connect with her, but how could I? She turned away from me every chance she got. I had no idea why.

I shook my head, clearing it. I had to stay focused.

I had a job to do.


"Sir." A young intern nodded at me, anxiety clear all over his face. I smiled at him.

"Cory, how many time's have I told you not to call me that? It makes me sound old!" I faux pouted, a blush spread across his face and he stumbled off.

"Jack, stop picking on the newbies." My partner Sharon rolled her eyes. I stuck my tongue out at her. Agent Sharon Collins was a great partner, but she was definitely a pain in the ass sister in law.

"You're so mature." She scoffed but a small smile was tugging at her lips. I grinned at her.

"Where's the rest of the team?" I asked, I glanced around the empty lot.

"On their way." She shrugged and picked up her bag.

"Should we load up?" She asked me, glancing over her shoulder, unlike Miranda, Sharon had kept her blonde hair long, it reached her hips and she always kept it in a loose braid.

She was 5ft2 but she was one of the smartest and fastest in the bureu, we had been partners for 15 years. 

"This is gonna be a long trip." She sighed as I followed her onto the plane.


                                                                Kelly's Point of View.

I watched the clock nervously as the seconds ticked by. This was taking forever. Lately we had been recieving threatening letters about someone wanting to kill us and take my daughter. We had adopted her when she was 8 years old. They had told us they would have her by her 16th birthday, but that was only a month away.

I was terrified. Krystal was in with her counselor now, I'd be joining them shortly to meet the agents in charge of the case. 

I couldnt believe what was happening. I didn't understand it at all.

But I would do anything to protect Krystal. I saw her no differently than I saw my natural born children.

I looked down at my hands, they were trembling like leaves on a windy day.

I felt silly for being so nervous, but it's not everyday that the FBI waltzes into your life.

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